theAsianparent Site Map - Articles for September 2023
- DateTitle
- 2023-09-04I have been having headaches almost daily, and I have been taking normal panadol, but i am so concerned that one day it might affect my baby whether before or aften born, but the pain is unbearable sometimes. Is anyone like me too?? And panadol doesnt work for me most of the time
- 2023-09-04I tried guiding baby to poop but no luck. Worried about her digestion.#advicepls #firsttimemom
- 2023-09-04I just found out I’m pregnant but is it ok to continue breastfeed as I read online said it will lead to contradiction.
- 2023-09-04Hi All Mums-To-Be
I am in my 40s and this is my 4th child - considered high risk pregnancy and risk of miscarriage.
Just went for my 2nd ultrasound and heard baby heartbeat for the first time
However based on gestation, the heartbeat Rate is deem low. It shld be at least 110 while now it is 80
Just need some form of support and encouragement from the community here
Thank you
- 2023-09-04Hi. I need advice if I should go to KKH because I’ve been vomiting and full day of nausea. I haven’t been able to swallow down food eversince the start of 5W. I’m 8W now. Not sure what to do now, I feel very weak.
- 2023-09-04#advicepls #firstbaby #firsttimemom #FTM #firsttimemom #pleasehelp
- 2023-09-04Hi Mummies! Just wondering if it's too early for a csect to be done at 38 weeks? I'm just curious bcos my first pregnancy, I had to go thru emergency csect at 40 weeks as I wasn't dilating. Then for current pregnancy, I opted for csect straight - to eliminate the unnecessary like previous round. My gynae suggested at 38 weeks but I insisted on 39 weeks.
However, I feel so heavy now, experiencing sharp pains at lower tummy and even mild contractions (my gynae is aware). Now on HL and idk if I can stay till 39 weeks like I chose before this. A part of me feels I'm not ready - seems too early. I'm currently at 35 weeks. Please share your thoughts. Thanks!
- 2023-09-04Hi mums! Would like to seek advice and recommendations for breast pumps. Currently I’m looking at Spectra vs a China brand breast pump (for cost saving). I’m a first time mum so haven’t used breast pump before.
Would it be too big a risk to take if I went straight for the China breast pump? Specs are pretty good, anti-backflow, BPA-free components etc.
If you’ve other recommendations please let me know too! Thank you :)
- 2023-09-04What should I do? Continue feeding her or discard the milk?#advicepls #firsttimemom
- 2023-09-04Hi mummies, does baby or baby bump always drop nearing to your labour or edd ?
Or some dont and just stay the same.
Im currently 38w and carrying boy, means since start of pregnancy, been carrying low. Kind of paranoid that im only left with 2 weeks before edd and seems like my baby havent dropped yet. Or any sign of labor, back pain etc. I already started doing some squats, short walks and walking up and down stairs.
- 2023-09-04Hi hi, FTM here. Any mummies got induced due to baby overdue and was still able to deliver vaginally ? How long was your labor? Does being induced means long labor ? Esp for ftm
- 2023-09-04Baby Jogger City Select 2 Eco Stroller With Tencel - Harbour Grey
- 2023-09-04Baby Jogger City Select 2 Eco Stroller With Tencel - Harbour Grey
- 2023-09-04Baby Jogger City Select 2 Eco Stroller With Tencel - Harbour Grey
- 2023-09-04Baby Jogger City Select 2 Eco Stroller With Tencel - Harbour Grey
- 2023-09-04Baby Jogger City Select 2 Eco Stroller With Tencel - Harbour Grey
- 2023-09-04Baby Jogger City Select 2 Eco Stroller With Tencel - Harbour Grey
- 2023-09-04
PB Appsflyer onelink
- 2023-09-04Im a ftm, 38+1w, already started eating 5 dates/day , doing squats, going up down stairs & going for 30-40 mins walk everyday, will it help baby drop to pelvic, avoid getting overdue & shorten labor? 😅
Am paranoid that i have yet to see any signs of labor and very anxious.
Scared that after doing all these baby still overdue & labor will still be long (‘:
- 2023-09-04Ladies, which week or month did you start preparation for setting up your baby room like fixing of the cot or dresser for clothes, bibs
and necessary items. And also buying of confinement items such as herbal tea, herbal soup, herbal Bath items etc. thanks!
- 2023-09-04If unable to detect heartbeat yet, what other positive signs should I look out for? What to do next ? Pls advise as I have not much appetite and urine much
- 2023-09-04Has anyone taken this herb b4 till week 12? Does it help? Any side effect?
- 2023-09-04Hello! Need some advice from experienced mum here on various types of breast pump. I have inherited Medela freestyle, Spectra S1, Youha and Real bubee Breast pump from friends. I only have the machine/pump and will need to get new parts. But I am unsure which one is better as there seems to be good reviews for both medela freestyle and spectra s1. I am stucked btw these two. Then for youha it’s a wearable pump
Which I tot will be good once I resume work back at office. Lastly for real bubee i havent see much reviews. Abit overwhelmed too, and not sure for a start which breast pump I shld start using? I also dun wan to overbuy the new parts as they are not cheap so I tot I shld start off with buying for only one brand first.
- 2023-09-04Hi mummies! My LO is currently going to be 7 months old in a few days time. All this while, i’ve been her caretaker and she’s grown so attached to me. We spent 24/7 together. Work’s starting soon and today was her 1st day at school and she seems okay but i know that’s because i was there the whole day with her… i’m so nervous as i won’t be able to be there with her in ifc after this. I’m not sure how she’s gonna adapt because she does not want anyone else but either me or her dad. She’ll cry murder if she don’t see us. Anyone experience this with your LO and any tips?
- 2023-09-04Anybody have spare diclectin? Im willing to purchase. Need only for a few days to tide thru before my next appt
- 2023-09-04Baby is turning 4 weeks soon! ❤️
However from few days ago bb refused to sleep in cot during night time, whenever we put down she will wake up in 5-10 mins. But when she sleep with us in bed she sleep so soundly but we didnt want to risk it by letting her keep sleeping on our bed.
Any idea for this issue mummies?
In the day sometimes she ok to sleep in cot sometimes she is not
- 2023-09-04i have an appointment in the coming 2 days for my 6 months check up. I'm actually really scared because the last time i visit they told me next visit my drink the glucose. Any mommies have any idea whts that and wht it taste like i'm so scared 🤣🥲🥲🥲
- 2023-09-04Pregnant week 39, doctor give option of induction to avoid big baby but we don’t want to induce. Waiting for baby to show sign and come by his own. All the best everyone!
- 2023-09-04Hi oull's can share with me how much cost labor private hospital as a foreigner here. And any recommendations hospital for me...
- 2023-09-04Dr Choose wan ling , Dr Freda khoo and Dr Paul tseng ..
- 2023-09-04Hi All,
Last week I went for FCC scan but could not detect heartbeat via tummy scan, and couldn't see clearly via virginal scan because of fibroid blocking. Ever since my symptoms has changes alot, like on and off hungry than totally no appetite at all, sore boobs, not much of vomiting or nausea and also not peeing often as compare to week 6. Currently going into week 9 this week and scan again this Thursday. Not sure if my baby is ok or not ok? Just worry still can't see heartbeat. Any advices? Feeling lost...
- 2023-09-04I’ve recently gotten my keys to my bto and I’m also 7 weeks pregnant. We have started our renovation and have been visiting thrice a week before realising that I’m pregnant.
Can I continue to head over, stop entirely or i just need to take note of some stuff will do?
Appreciate some advices !
- 2023-09-04Hi mummies! Wondering if anyone has experienced bleeding in 3rd trimester? It was just a one off event for myself, but I can still feel baby movement quite regularly.
- 2023-09-04We just change baby formula from "Grow" since born till now 4 months, all of a sudden baby had diarrhea recently, brought her to clinic and doc said to change to isomil soy milk. Now she's okay and we just bought Nestle Nan Optipro 1 to see if this formula works for my baby..
- 2023-09-04How do u guys clean baby’s (newborn bellw 3 mths) bum bum after poop?
Anyone got use water vs wipes?
Seems water is cleaner la but im scared hand will slip then will drop the bb if wash in the sink
- 2023-09-04I’m only 6 days postpartum and pumping is really driving me crazy thanks to the sleepless nights
Would it be ok to not follow the pumping schedule as I am doing it every 3 hourly and it is so hard to get up at night with the vaginal pain and wearing the traditional binder to sleep..
Open to suggestions to cope with this stress…
- 2023-09-04Hi mummies.
My newborn is currently 1 mth+. She has a routine at night where will be fussy and it will usually start around the same timing eg 12 midnight til 3am. Gave her milk, change diapers, burp her, carry and hugged her. But she will still scream. And she will fall asleep at 3am cos by then thats when she will be tired from crying.
Not sure what im doing wrong and i feel bad seeing my baby crying helplessly. Does any mummy experience the same? I hope im not alone
Pls share tips for fussy baby if have any. Tq!
- 2023-09-04Hi. My baby is now 6 months old. Whenever we put him in sitting position unassisted, he will fall to the front/side. Wondering if we can start spoon feed him purees or rice cereal? Is it safe? #FTM #pleasehelp
- 2023-09-04I started having diarrhoea all of a sudden at ard 1am last night. Whole body felt super weak as if kept on going in and out of toilet, my stomach was the one in pain the most cos as i was feeling the cramps, my baby kept on kicking and moving around nonstop so it hurts extra and i was just very weak. now it’s 5am, the pain has subsided but i do feel the urge to go toilet and poo again and again. could this be contractions?
- 2023-09-04Do we have to request for a 4D ultrasound in NUH at fetal care centre (FCC)? Or will they offer one for us? I am currently 30 weeks pregnant and my next check up at NUH FCC will be on the 19th September. I was just curious #FirstTimeMumHere
- 2023-09-04Hi mummies i plan to stop pumping and bf, i still have frozen bm in the freezer.
I’d like to stop at 1.5 months as it has affected me mentally and physically , i believe if my well being is healthy then i can take care of baby better.
I have no one to help me to take care bb hence i have to do it myself most of the time. Husb wfo everyday.
She is currently on mixed feeding FM and BM
Question is
1. What is the best way to switch her from mixed feeding to fully FM?
2. Will she have constipation if she is full FM?
3. As i still have some milk in the freezer, isit better to give her BM once a day then give formula for rest of feeding? Am not sure if still have the benefit to give her BM once a day or better to finish the BM first before switch to FM?
4. How do it stop my own breast milk? I tried to drag the pumping session but ended up with engrossed instead😭
- 2023-09-05I warn my helper 2x.. and told her to put the phone on the dining table , only uses it only during her break time. But I know my 2month old LO, needs to be carried constantly, once u put him down in this bassinet, he cries. So I allow the helper to use the phone to watch movie when my baby is sleeping on her (soundly then to put baby back in his bassinet). Den recently she kept using n using taking it for granted. EG, I’m taking care of baby in the room, and she is using her phone at the living room. I dun wanna b too stern to her, as eventually after ML I’ll b back in workforce, I dun wan her to ill treat my baby. What Shld I do?
- 2023-09-05Dear mummies, do you let your baby poop by themselves or guide them to poop by making sounds like 'um-um"?
Do you do bicycle exercise with them everyday or guide them to poop everyday?
I am a FTM mum and not sure if i should make sure baby poo every day or not and I get stressed when baby don't poo every day.#firstbaby #pleasehelp
#advicepls #firsttimemom
- 2023-09-05Hi mummies, anyone using the fridge hack after pumping for your newborn? Is it safe ?
And usually after how many pumps do you wash ?
I haven’t deliver my firstborn yet but thinking of doing this for in between late night pumpings. Will the residue from the previous milk go bad inside the pump? Since we wont be washing it and will continue to the next pumping session.
As i heard some say its not safe.
- 2023-09-05Does anyone have tips to improve taste buds? I feel irritated about being so funny in my mouth.
- 2023-09-05#pleasehelp #FTM #9Weeks
- 2023-09-05My 10mth old recently increased her poop frequency frm once a day/2days to twice a day. The poop is not watery but solid form and no diaper this normal? Could it be related to her eating more solids?
- 2023-09-05#advicepls #firsttimemom #pleasehelp #firstTime_mom
- 2023-09-05Hi, does anyone know how to cure hives on Toodler? This is the first time my Toodler get hives I dont know how he get it. He ate 1 spoon of beef soup yesterday night and one butter sunshine bread he used to eat these food but nothing happens. Yesterday when I gave him those food today his body start. Appearing patches of mosquito looks bite mark now he keep scratching now it spread till his back. What am I suppose to do?
- 2023-09-05Hi mummies, ftm here. My upcoming baby’s playpen/cot position is directly below the ceiling fan, is it safe ? As our room is small and we put beside our bed, which is exactly below the ceiling fan.
Will it pose any safety issue for baby or breathing issue when sleeping?
- 2023-09-05Baby Jogger City Select 2 Eco Stroller With Tencel - Harbour Grey
- 2023-09-05Baby Jogger City Select 2 Eco Stroller With Tencel - Harbour Grey
- 2023-09-05Baby Jogger City Select 2 Eco Stroller With Tencel - Harbour Grey
- 2023-09-05Baby Jogger City Select 2 Eco Stroller With Tencel - Harbour Grey
- 2023-09-05Baby Jogger City Select 2 Eco Stroller With Tencel - Harbour Grey
- 2023-09-05Is it normal for baby to have rashes on her face, neck and upper body now?
Weirdly the rashes on her face appear in the morning then will be gone during night and the cycle keeps repeating
- 2023-09-05Any mummies experience sudden dizziness during 2nd trimester? I realised I cannot stand for too long and needed to lie down to relieve the dizziness , not sure is this normal or related to low blood pressure or sugar, kinda worried.
- 2023-09-05Hi, any tips on how to overcome heartburn and acid reflux during 3rd trimester? Currently at 31 weeks. Already drank water but it still won’t go away.
- 2023-09-05Just curious do first time babies tend to come out early or late? ##firsttimemom
- 2023-09-05What toys can be given to newborn?
Turning 1 month soon!
So far i have given her the black and white book but she seems like not interested
Any recommendation for playgym?
- 2023-09-05I can’t have a proper sleep and have very poor appetite since first trimester and I am worried if this will affect my baby development.
#firsttimemom #advicepls #FTM
- 2023-09-06Anyone feels normal all the way till week 9 , week 10? I'm week 9 plus going to 10 and have not been feeling much symptoms. In fact, feel like my energy level is back to normal? Is this normal?
- 2023-09-06My lochia has stopped around day 10.But at day 12 to 14 I have bright red lochia with no clots that can fill up 1 pad for 1 day.
Did anyone have this issue?
- 2023-09-06For KKH, when baby exceed edd, how many days will gynae give for us to try natural labor before getting induced ?
Im coming to 39 weeks still not a single sign and have a feeling ill end up getting induced as i heard most mummies exceed edd for first child 🥵
Is it possible that one day we feel nothing then suddenly next day we see early labor sign. Or usually labor sign will go on for few days
- 2023-09-06Brown blood was observed on panty liner. It is not bright red blood. Is this something concerning?#advicepls #pleasehelp #firstbaby
- 2023-09-06Is this something I need to be concerned about? It’s not bright red blood.#advicepls #pleasehelp
- 2023-09-06Hey ladies, any recommendations for baby wearing ?#advicepls #pleasehelp
- 2023-09-06Is it dangerous/possible to induce if baby is not in the right position?
- 2023-09-06Did anyone receive this from TAP?
- 2023-09-06I had tried to pump every 3hrs daily for 3 mths with taking all kind of milk booster ( fenugreek , legendary milk, mama choice drink , lactation cookie , madam patrum…) however non worked for me so far and my supply only around 700 ML which dropping again. Just wondering if any mum similar like me have other option to boost milk( i also did power pump 20 mins pump- with 10 rest / pump but also no effect.)
- 2023-09-06What is gripe water for? Does it really work?#advicepls #firsttimemom #firstbaby
- 2023-09-06Hi ladies, FTM here. Would like to know what is tummy time and how to do it? Anything to take note of ? How old should baby be before doing tummy time ?#advicepls #firsttimemom #firstbaby
- 2023-09-06Anyone have experience when NIPT result is low risk for DS but super high risk for Oscar?
- 2023-09-06Hi mummies, anyone experiencing tightness in their head? I was actually taking duphaston and I have finished my medication but currently still in week 12 reaching week 13. However, today is the first day I stopped taking duphaston and I am facing headaches at the temple of my head. Anyone facing same issue as me?
- 2023-09-06Anyone is on dostinex? Do you pump to relieve engorgement after taking the first second dose?
When will the breast milk stop producing and if i really have to pump to relieve engorgement?
- 2023-09-06IF you're about to choose hegen breast pump vs spectra, which one? I like the portability of hegen but not sure if the suction will be as strong as spectra as I understand it’s hospital grade. If not, would you recommend other handsfree options such as imani?
Also wanted to check if y’all bought the pump before baby is out? It’s quite costly and I’m not sure how my supply will be like….
All advice will be appreciated as I’m a FTM 🥹
- 2023-09-06My EDD is next sunday but i have yet to feel any signs of labor 😭😭 so worried and very anxious😣
Ive tried squats, walking, consuming dates but seems like its not working. And am so afraid i will end up having e csect.
- 2023-09-06Any recommendations? And what is the price range ?
- 2023-09-06Hi all how can I make my 15 months sleep through the night? He used to have last feeding at 9pm and wake up only around 5am. Now he cries around 12 mid night and 3am. Its really bothering our sleep.
- 2023-09-06I have been gaining weight start of 3rd trim. And gained 10kg as of 35 weeks. However my weight maintained the same from 35 weeks until now, almost 39 weeks.
Anything concerning ? Is baby not gaining weight anymore ?
Im generally petite, but with quite a big bump.
- 2023-09-06NOTE: Drop your questions below this post. ⚠️
Does your baby keep you up all night? 💤👶
Those midnight cries and endless wake-ups can feel overwhelming, leaving you exhausted and in search of answers. Well, fret not, because I've got your back! 🤗
Join me for an exclusive #AskTheExpert session, where we'll dive deep into the below topic:
📣 Topic: How to Handle Your Baby's Night Wakings?
🗓️ Date: 20th September, 2023
🕒 Time: 8pm to 9pm
Here's what you can expect:
💤 Strategies to soothe your little one.
🌜 Tips for establishing healthy sleep routines.
😓 Insights into common causes of night wakings and how to address them.
Warm regards, Ms. Amber Lim Clinical Psychologist MPsy(Clinical)
- 2023-09-06Jom ajukan soalan anda dalam sesi ini yang berlangsung di aplikasi theAsianparent!
Pakar yang bakal berkongsi ilmu dan tips minggu ini adalah Kristy Yong, (BS (PSYCH), M.Coun, Internationally Licensed, Counsellor with Australian Counselling Association), Director of Oasis Counselling Services
📰 Topik: Tekanan, Emosi Tidak Stabil dan Kemurungan Selepas Melahirkan
🗓️ Tarikh: 28 September 2023
Jika anda ada sebarang pertanyaan berkaitan dengan topik ini, jangan malu-malu untuk kemukakan soalan anda. Pakar kami akan sedia membantu!
⛔ *NOTA: Sebarang persoalan luar daripada topik dan tarikh yang ditetapkan mungkin tidak akan dijawab atau dipadam terus.
- 2023-09-06my bp is 104/59. is it something to be worried about?? i’m anaemic too taking iron supplements already. always feel lethargic, breathless and wanting to faint #advicepls
- 2023-09-06Due to the risk of salmonella infections, children under age 5 should not eat undercooked eggs. Runny yolks (meaning the yolk is not solid) may not be safe enough. This is because toddlers and babies are at greater risk for salmonella-caused illness.24 Feb 2022
- 2023-09-06Due to the risk of salmonella infections, children under age 5 should not eat undercooked eggs. Runny yolks (meaning the yolk is not solid) may not be safe enough. This is because toddlers and babies are at greater risk for salmonella-caused illness.24 Feb 2022
- 2023-09-06Due to the risk of salmonella infections, children under age 5 should not eat undercooked eggs. Runny yolks (meaning the yolk is not solid) may not be safe enough. This is because toddlers and babies are at greater risk for salmonella-caused illness.24 Feb 2022
- 2023-09-06Due to the risk of salmonella infections, children under age 5 should not eat undercooked eggs. Runny yolks (meaning the yolk is not solid) may not be safe enough. This is because toddlers and babies are at greater risk for salmonella-caused illness.24 Feb 2022
- 2023-09-06Due to the risk of salmonella infections, children under age 5 should not eat undercooked eggs. Runny yolks (meaning the yolk is not solid) may not be safe enough. This is because toddlers and babies are at greater risk for salmonella-caused illness.24 Feb 2022
- 2023-09-06Due to the risk of salmonella infections, children under age 5 should not eat undercooked eggs. Runny yolks (meaning the yolk is not solid) may not be safe enough. This is because toddlers and babies are at greater risk for salmonella-caused illness.24 Feb 2022
- 2023-09-06In 3rd trim esp the last stage of pregnancy we will always keep peeing or having the urge to pee frequently, will it go away once we have given birth ?
Or we will still keep peeing post partum ? #FTM
- 2023-09-06Trying to conceive 😌
- 2023-09-06Hi mummies. I get it some babies can walk around 9 mths or more. Families have been jokingly asking my baby why she is not walking.. Is this normal? How should I react to them? I feel annoyed at times #firstbaby
- 2023-09-07If we opt for c-sec, how will the exact date being determined (i.e. the gynae will determine or will we have a say for it) if under subsidised patient in KKH? And in which week will the date will be determined?
Are we allowed to choose the date if under subsidised? Thank you!
- 2023-09-07My LO crying at night at same hour starting at 9 until 10 sometimes 9 until11.every night starting last 2 nights.Anyone experience thia to your love ones
- 2023-09-07Hello, I’m in 2nd trimester (week14) just to know whether it is safe to consume birdnest?
- 2023-09-07Hi mummies, my baby is 1 and a half month old. She whimpers, grunts and make snorting noises when sleeping at night. Sometimes she cries too.
Is she having nightmares? #advicepls #pleasehelp #FTM
Is this normal?
- 2023-09-07Is your little one experiencing chesty or dry cough? There are a few ways to relieve their cough naturally, find out more here:
- 2023-09-07Hello mummies, I’ll be going for a c-sect soon and am now looking to book postnatal massage! Any recommendations out there? I’ve been seeing PNSG but I’m not sure is it cause they did a lot of influencer marketing. So any reviews will be appreciated!
- 2023-09-07Baby bonus
- 2023-09-07
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- 2023-09-07
- 2023-09-07
- 2023-09-07
- 2023-09-07
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- 2023-09-07
- 2023-09-07
- 2023-09-07Please specify in the comments section.
- 2023-09-07I have not found any gynae yet.
- 2023-09-07Recently got miscarriage. I’ve stopped my bleeding, when would u recommend to have sex again. I feel the urge to have sex so badly, but my bleeding just stopped 3 days ago. What is your advice on when I should have sex again.
- 2023-09-07is it required to sleep on side? if sleep on back, does it harm the baby and eventually having a still birth?
- 2023-09-07did anyone vomitted/nauseous after drinking the glucose test? what does it mean if u vomited? does it indicate that u are having mild GD?
- 2023-09-07Im planning not to breastfeed my baby from start. Any mummies have the same experience or planning to do so?
Is there anything doc will give in order to reduce the milk supply or even to stop the milk supply after birth?
- 2023-09-07Hi mommies.
I’m curious to know. What is the best milk bottle for babies? Is Hegen good? Or issit famous just cos of trend ? Please help
- 2023-09-07Hello mummies , how do i calm down my LO? She's currently 7 months old. Would wake up crying (tried to put her to sleep back cause she still wants to sleep but keep crying) , doesn't sleep much , keep wanting me to carry. Is it due to teething? Does it cause vomiting? What should i do?
- 2023-09-07Hi mummies, i havent dilated @ 38week+ appointment and my gynae suggested for me to get induced 39 weeks onwards. However i told her i wanted to get induced on my edd day itself, in hoping baby will want to come out naturally.
This will be my first born btw and so far baby’s condition is good and growing well with ideal normal weight.
However i am beyond terrified as everyone who went thru induced have a bad experience and some ended up in csec. Which i wanted to avoid the most, Can mummies share with me your induce story and experience, so i can somehow know what to expect.
Is it normal to not dilate @ 38 weeks+ and any possibility i can naturally dilate before edd ?
Were you dilated before the induce, and how long was your labor? Were you able to deliver naturally or was it a failed induced. And hows the recovery if csec. Does induce higher chance for csec
#FTM #advicepls
- 2023-09-07Is it normal that we did not get membrane sweep at 38/39 weeks ? Or not everyone will get ?
Im under kkh private gynae and this will be my last appt before delivery/edd and only cervix check was done and no membrane sweep
- 2023-09-07Ive been doing long walks, some stairs, eating dates and doing some squats since 38 weeks but during my 38 + 4 appointment im still not dilated. Which i was disappointed i thought i couldve atleast dilated 1cm. And gynae even told me theres no scientific proof that all these will help labor.
Should i just stop or continue ?
- 2023-09-07My GBS swab test came out positive however gynae mention it’s a light one and nothing to be done for now. Just that they will drip me antibiotic during labor itself.
Anybody GBS + but delivered a healthy baby ?
Altho gynae told me nothing concerning im still concerned for baby.
- 2023-09-07My LO is going 4 weeks in a few days. We are BF him in the day and FM at night. He’s currently drinking 90ML (LO weighs 4KG) for both types of milk. He often vomits out milk after maybe 30 mins to an hour of drinking the milk despite already burping him. Are we feeding him too much milk?
He occasionally pukes out BM but for FM, it’s getting more frequent. Almost every feed. Please advise 🙏 FTM here.
- 2023-09-07I’ve used the CDA card at the polyclinic’s pharmacy to get diaper creams and stuff. Was wondering if the pharmacy sells diapers/milk powder, can we also use the card since it’s within the pharmacy? The counter staff told me if baby related, can be used but I’m not sure for milk powder and diapers 😅
- 2023-09-07Hi mummies who delivered or abt to deliver at u have recommendations on paediatricians who dont cost an arm and leg? Fees for babies are abt 1.8k to 2k. Is this normal?
- 2023-09-07Any mummies are open to share how much you need to set aside for baby's necessities? Like milk powder, diapers, lotions and many more. Thank you in adv #firsttimemom #advicepls
- 2023-09-07Does mummies out there feel the same as I do? I'm hungry every 3 hours and I wake up in wee hours feeling hungry and I have to eat 2 to 3 slice of bread to feel better
- 2023-09-07Gynae will give HL wk 37 onwards to rest. Don't know how and what to tell boss.
- 2023-09-07Im a ftm, my edd is approx next week. I cant help but to feel very emotional these few days. As much as I can’t wait to meet the little human that has been kicking my ribs, I definitely am going to miss myself, my me time, my personal time with husband, us doing whatever we want without worrying about anything and just going out of the house whenever i want.
I feel like after birth im going to lose myself or even fall into depression due to being very overwhelmed etc.
Any mummies feeling the same ☹️
- 2023-09-07i think i lose some mucus plug when i was pooping. Been using quite a bit of force when pooping yest and today as im constipated. And today i saw yellow gooey discharge coming out after pooping. Its different from the usual discharge. I know mucus plug will regenerate, but do i need to see my gynae asap? No contraction or leaking fluid at the moment, but im worried. Anyone experienced early loss of mucus plug and continue to have healthy baby? I hope its not preterm labour 😞
- 2023-09-07Tried to stop BM by drag the pumping session but then my breasts feel so full and there is even lump.
So had to compress w warm water and use haakaa milk collector.
Didnt pump for 2 days already.
Anyone have recommendation on how to stop the bm fast? I have to take care of my bb alone and with breastfeeding it is tiring.
I know can get med from gynae but heard from my friend i will still feel engorged.
Can anyone guide me please.. thank you
- 2023-09-07my baby has stop breastfeeding at one month and now i have very low supply. he is on bottle feeding now , i feel guilty abt it and soon i will be back to work .. should i be worried abt him only taking formula?
- 2023-09-07Is it normal to crave for sweet drinks? I've been craving for ginger ale.
- 2023-09-07Hi Mummies ,
Im at my 22 Weeks , for the pass few days Ive been having cramp/pain on my pelvic area, lower abdomen and a backache.. any one experience it? Should I be worried and just go to A&E? Is it part of baby growth?Thank you alls.. #advicepls
- 2023-09-07Sick and baby is active
- 2023-09-07Hello mummy, my 9 months old girl started to screaming and shouting whenever she want something, or she can’t get what she want. Isit normal? And she’s not very clingy to me, she doesn’t look like she needed me, isit normal too?
- 2023-09-08Currently in 3rd tri and baby can come out anytime as said by Doct. But dang, I'm so tired, yet I can't sleep at night. Waking up several times due to back, butt, tummy pain; sometimes even due to my husband's snores. So stressed up now too. Any ideas or tips on how to sleep better? I tried drinking tea etc but it doesn't help.
- 2023-09-08I am currently 38 weeks 5 days and my gynae gave me until edd before i will be induced as im not dilated nor do i have any signs.
Is there any possibility during these 9 days that i might be able to actually labor naturally ? Or even dilate abit? Or high chance no.
This will be my first born. Is it commong first born will be overdue ? And does being induced mostly end up in csection?
#firsttimemom #firstbaby #advicepls
- 2023-09-08Ill be induced soon due to baby still too comfortable inside @ KKH. Gynae told me they will insert cervidil(?) through vagina. Those mummies who have went thru this, does it hurt during the insert ?
- 2023-09-08Hi mummies who’s under private gynae @ KKH and has delivered. Can share with me your estimated baby’s bill and how long was the stay?
@ KKH website they only show estimated bill for mummy and not baby.
- 2023-09-08Lets help each other!:)
What are some of the websites where mommies-to-be can sign up for product samples? (Formula, diapers etc)
- 2023-09-08Drop your questions below this post. ⚠️
🍼 Are you a new mom struggling with low milk supply? OR maybe looking to enhance your breastfeeding journey? 🤱
Whatever your situation, I've got great news for you! Join me for an exclusive #AskTheExpert session, where we'll dive deep into the below topic: 📣
Topic: "Overcoming Low Milk Supply During Breastfeeding." 🤱
🗓️ Date: 13th September, 2023
🕒 Time: 8pm to 9pm
Here's what you can expect:
🔍 In-depth insights into the causes of low milk supply.
🌱 Practical tips and techniques to boost your milk production.
🤗 Emotional support and guidance to help you on this beautiful journey.
🙋♀️ A safe space to ask all your burning questions. Mark your calendars, and get your questions ready!
- 2023-09-08Hi parents! Will my formula fed baby still develop allergies towards dairy products?
I’m thinking of giving her some Greek yogurt when she starts solid.
Thanks first! #FTM
- 2023-09-08Should i bring slipper to the hospital or just wear the slipper from home ? As i dont think shoe is that practical
- 2023-09-08Ive heard alot of failed induce stories. Has any mummies had an effective induce & manage to deliver naturally ?
Were you dilated before & how long was the labor process ?
- 2023-09-08Hello everyone! 👋
During pregnancy, couples often have questions regarding sex and intimacy. I am delighted to be hosting this session to address your concerns when you are going through this exciting phase. I will offer you with insights about practices for safe sex during pregnancy and precautions you should note of.
I am Dr Peter Wang, MBBS Anchor Doctor at Speedoc.
Kindly leave your questions in the comments section below. We will do our best to respond to every question! 💡🗣️
Topic: All About Sex During Pregnancy
Date: Wednesday, 27th September 2023
Time: 8.00 - 9.00 pm
- 2023-09-08For my recent detailed scan, the sonographer mentioned baby is slightly lighter than normal and limbs seems abit shorter. Is there anything I should do to increase baby’s weight? 😊Thanks in advance for your response!
- 2023-09-08How to cope taking care of newborn and myself when my husband is returning back to work and no one else can help me?Anyone got tips as I need to make my own meals and also pump milk#advicepls
- 2023-09-08I'm 5 weeks pregnant now and I've noticed I've yellow discharge . I read up and it seems like it's BV
Will this affect my baby ??#advicepls #firsttimemom #pleasehelp
- 2023-09-08In early preg, do discharge come and go? Like it comes little more today then the next few days is dry?
- 2023-09-08Hello mummies , my LO is currently 7 months old. Do u all have recommendation of what storybooks i can purchase to let my LO learn or i can read to her?
- 2023-09-08Hi fellow mummies! This is my second pregnancy and I’ve been drinking cold drinks (green tea/ cola/ sprite) every meal since T1. I even have to drink cold plain water, cus cold drinks help with my nausea. I’m worried will it affect my bb, now at 13w. Didn’t drank as much cold drinks during my first pregnancy, only occasionally. Now is everyday… how how how :(
- 2023-09-08Due to the risk of salmonella infections, children under age 5 should not eat undercooked eggs. Runny yolks (meaning the yolk is not solid) may not be safe enough. This is because toddlers and babies are at greater risk for salmonella-caused illness.24 Feb 2022
- 2023-09-08Due to the risk of salmonella infections, children under age 5 should not eat undercooked eggs. Runny yolks (meaning the yolk is not solid) may not be safe enough. This is because toddlers and babies are at greater risk for salmonella-caused illness.24 Feb 2022
- 2023-09-08Due to the risk of salmonella infections, children under age 5 should not eat undercooked eggs. Runny yolks (meaning the yolk is not solid) may not be safe enough. This is because toddlers and babies are at greater risk for salmonella-caused illness.24 Feb 2022
- 2023-09-08Due to the risk of salmonella infections, children under age 5 should not eat undercooked eggs. Runny yolks (meaning the yolk is not solid) may not be safe enough. This is because toddlers and babies are at greater risk for salmonella-caused illness.24 Feb 2022
- 2023-09-08Due to the risk of salmonella infections, children under age 5 should not eat undercooked eggs. Runny yolks (meaning the yolk is not solid) may not be safe enough. This is because toddlers and babies are at greater risk for salmonella-caused illness.24 Feb 2022
- 2023-09-08Hi mummies, im gg to be 39w but yet to feel any kind of contraction.
what does contraction feels like. Heard that it’s like period pain but do you only feel it at your lower tummy like normal period or the whole belly?
And does your tummy feel hard during contraction like during braxton hicks? Does your vagina also feel sore like during period or it only affects the tummy ?
- 2023-09-08Ill be delivering my newborn in a week time and organizing my side trolley for confinement.
Is it better to have a big water bottle or can just use the normal ice mountain mineral bottle ? Do i need an insulated water bottle like the stanley kind or normal?
And usually during confinement do you drink cold water or room temp water?
- 2023-09-08been feeling really sad and depressed that my LO has been cooing, smiling and laughing at others (husband, my mum) when theyre around but not at me. i try not to let it bother me when im around my baby but sometimes i really cant and i let my emotions get the better of me. i wonder if im doing anything wrong or if im lacking somewhere.
- 2023-09-08hello mummies, does airport security allow bringing huge amount of baby liquid formula ?enfamil a+
- 2023-09-08i tried with Abott Grow formula milk and few hours later my baby vommited (abt 1/4 of the milk). i tried giving her again but she kind of gags. prolly bc it tasted new to her. should i keep trying to feed her? (this time less quantity. i think she was overfed....) and how much time should i give her? few days to try again? help 🫣
- 2023-09-08Hello, I'm a working mum. Hence, my baby is left alone with my helper. I am not comfortable letting her bring my 5 months old out because of safety issues. So my baby is always at home. Also, I noticed she's not able to flip over yet, which worries me as I thought by 4 months she should be able. Does anyone encounter this, too? #pleasehelp #advicepls #firstbaby #firsttimemom
- 2023-09-09As a FTM, I wonder if I should let baby poop on her own or 'force' her to poop everyday?
Must I take stock how many times she poop per day? How many times should baby poop per day?
Feeling kinda stressed because I don't know if baby refuse to poop or there is no poop?
Do you all 'force' baby to poop?#pleasehelp #advicepls #FTM
- 2023-09-09Ill be induced next week. Gynae briefed me that ill be given induce pill thru vagina at induction ward (4 bedded) with other mummies who will be induced. And for 2 hours i wont be allowed to eat but afterwards i can while waiting for dilation etc. afterwhich they will wheel us to our ward until if dilated to 3/4cm then push to labor room.
Assuming i have yet to dilate yet, In between will hospital actually give me food or i need to bring my own food? And in my ward while waiting for dilation can i move around ? Or die die need to be on my bed.
- 2023-09-09Hi all, what time does ur helper wakes up, and go to bed? Lunch time an hour? How about their off days, what time do u all allow? My maid is taking care of my 2 months old LO. At night she feeds, but recently, I ask her to stop using her phone (3rd warning already).. she pisses off and I have to feed. She is on her phone when feeding, when bathing, when cooking, during her breaks, when doing hse chores… 😣 so dangerous for my LO. She hates cooking, so she always carry my LO, claiming he doesn’t wanna be put down in the cot, end up I have to order. Recently I insist she cooks no matter how late.. but then, seems like RS not so good already. mirror already cracks
- 2023-09-09#babytooth
- 2023-09-09Is it true that our milk come in much later if we go thru csec than normal delivery?
- 2023-09-09How do u guys feed ur LO ridwind?
I dont mix with the milk as i am scared she wont finish it and both meds and milk become waste.
But when i put straight into her mouth, SHE SCREAM SO LOUD. Omgosh, seems like it tastes so bad??
She just turned one month
- 2023-09-09Coughing for 2 days
- 2023-09-09Can use medisave to deduct the cost? #firstbaby #pleasehelp #FTM
- 2023-09-09Currently @ 39w and past 2-3w ive been having on & off moderate period cramps. But now @39w im also having lower back pain, vaginal sore a little along with the period cramp every few hours. But last check @ 38w 4d im not dilated.
I was hoping its contraction but i doubt so.
Some people say its braxton hicks but all these while my braxton hicks never hurt, just tightening feeling thats all.
Is it normal to feel these ?
- 2023-09-09Is it normal to have light yellow discharge? At times when I don't have enough water for the day I seem to see more discharge. Is it something tat I need to worry about?
- 2023-09-09Hi Ladies, what PJ are you getting for hospital? Better night gown or normal PJ? Any shops you can recommend?
- 2023-09-09My MIL says not safe as there are chemicals ...but I know many mothers are feeding their kids so I don't see how dangerous it is? Maybe just a question of effective or not?#pleasehelp #advicepls
- 2023-09-09Hi mummies! FTM here. I am currently going through the private route. However my gynae hasn't offered to take my blood test yet and I'm having my third appt on my 12th week (currently 9w now). I was only told that I will be taking the Nipt on my next appt. Is it important to take a blood test? Can I book a separate appt at a polyclinic for my blood test? Do advise. Thanks!
- 2023-09-09Does anyone still uses shorts to sleep during confinement and doing well?
- 2023-09-09I was given HL as I needed to be on bed rest but my boss wants me to get back to office to work even though I tried to nego wfh during this period as I have fully utilised 30 days of HL that company gave. Any suggestion/advice what can be done? As i currently having pregnancy complication and I doubt I am capable being able travel to work
- 2023-09-09Mummies, I’m 2.5 months pp. first confinement nanny discourage me to pump/latch, which wasted my first golden week. Now I’m only pumping 15-20ml per breast. Can’t seems to increase, and kept decreasing (from 20-30ml per breast). Shld i give up? I’ve tried everything ( food, fluids, fish, soup, pumping every 3 hours etc..) I’m tired n super disappointed already. And my helper asked me “mam, why ur milk so little, I used to be overflowing” which makes me more depress 🥺🥺🥺
- 2023-09-09Hi mummies!
Just wanted to check if it’s normal for one breast to grow a lot more than the other one in the first trimester? Right side feels a lot more firmer and bigger than the other side. Tia!
- 2023-09-09hi mummies, just wondering if its safe to have the aircon on at night w/ LO when sleeping— i realised whenever we have the fan on in the room, my LO ends up being sweaty throughout the night and it worries me. but im also super skeptical about having the aircon on as its been known that babies cant really regulate their temp at this age
- 2023-09-09Hi! Where can I find a list of sun screen safe for pregnant? Recommendations are welcome !
- 2023-09-09Due to the risk of salmonella infections, children under age 5 should not eat undercooked eggs. Runny yolks (meaning the yolk is not solid) may not be safe enough. This is because toddlers and babies are at greater risk for salmonella-caused illness.24 Feb 2022
- 2023-09-09Due to the risk of salmonella infections, children under age 5 should not eat undercooked eggs. Runny yolks (meaning the yolk is not solid) may not be safe enough. This is because toddlers and babies are at greater risk for salmonella-caused illness.24 Feb 2022
- 2023-09-09Due to the risk of salmonella infections, children under age 5 should not eat undercooked eggs. Runny yolks (meaning the yolk is not solid) may not be safe enough. This is because toddlers and babies are at greater risk for salmonella-caused illness.24 Feb 2022
- 2023-09-098Due to the risk of salmonella infections, children under age 5 should not eat undercooked eggs. Runny yolks (meaning the yolk is not solid) may not be safe enough. This is because toddlers and babies are at greater risk for salmonella-caused illness.24 Feb 2022
- 2023-09-09I begin to have ache on lower back especially the hip area and constantly feel bloating and have very very hard poop (usually watery poop) and feel bloating and pain especially at night when I am resting. And start to feel breathless when I speak longer. I wonder if it’s normal ? Because I have this impression that 2!; trimester is a bliss but I feel this cramping and backache are worse than my first trimester.. the only good thing is , I can finish a full meal as compared to first trimester when I have no appetite.
Wonder any mummies experiencing same symptoms or can you share symptoms that you are experiencing during entering 2nd trimester so I can refer to as a guide in case I start to feel them and don’t have to paranoid 😅
#advicepls #FTM #firstbaby #firstmom