Breast Feeding Dilemma

I’m only 6 days postpartum and pumping is really driving me crazy thanks to the sleepless nights Would it be ok to not follow the pumping schedule as I am doing it every 3 hourly and it is so hard to get up at night with the vaginal pain and wearing the traditional binder to sleep.. Open to suggestions to cope with this stress…

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It’s normal to feel that way, especially MOTN pumps. Tbh it depends on whether you are insistent to provide only bm or is okay with mixed feeding or even full formula feeding. If you want to transit to bm, I wouldn’t recommend skipping/dragging pump sessions now as your supply hasn’t regulated and you need to pump regularly in order to signal your body to produce more milk. If you are okay with mix feeding/even full formula, just make sure to pump every few hours (longer hours like 4-6 hours) to prevent engorgement which will lead to mastitis. Give what you have will do (bm). I always standby my pumps beside me before I sleep then after I pump, get my husband to put in the fridge. I didn’t wear the traditional binder to sleep, usually only for 6-7 hours then I will remove. Also I didn’t bind frequently too. Body went to prepregnancy around 8 months without dieting. Don’t stress yourself too much. If bf is taking a toll your body and sanity, it’s okay to formula feed 😊.

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2y ago

Yes I am doing mix feeds now for my sanity.. Since I will be going back go work after my ML ends I might as well and work will not be easy for me to pump as and when.. Thank you for the suggestion will take into consideration! 🤍

I think it’s wiser to get the much needed rest now. I only pumped in the day since I gave birth. Slept through the night during my confinement and after. In the day I pumped 5x. Eventually milk supply still caught up by drinking more water and pumping longer. For eg: if usually pump 15 mins, I stretched to 20 mins. When there’s not enough bm, I supplemented with formula. As long as baby is fed, that’s most important. Now 4.5 months postpartum, I pump only 3x a day for my sanity. Supply remained the same as when pumping 5x a day by pumping longer Remove the binder before you sleep so that you feel comfortable.

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2y ago

Thank you for the suggestion! I will definitely try this method to help cope with the mental load! 🤍

Hi mummy i am a sect mummy, i can totally understand you as i was having pain for first 3 weeks and i have to juggle with pumping, somemore in the beginning the supply was so little made me even more frustrated. Then i start to drag my pumping session to 4-5hours. The max i did was 7hours coz i was too tired to wake up but end up with engorgement. U can slowly start drag 4hours first but this means your supply might decrease, i am on mixed fm and bm so im fine if eventually my bm drop in supply as it was really tiring and couldnt care for 👶🏻 properly

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2y ago

I too did stretch for 7hrs one time as my body as really exhausted and didn’t hear the alarm rang.. I’m currently mix feeding my baby too as she only latch to me for comfort feeds nowadays Thank you for the suggestion!

Hi first of all, you're doing a wonderful job to pump while recovering! It's a tough phase, mentally and physically tiring but please get help from your husb or anyone to tend to your baby when u pump in the day time. Then catch up on your sleep/rest. Once it's over 4 weeks, the milk supply will stabilised. Try not to go beyond 3 hours pumping for now as it will affect the supply. You can do this!

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2y ago

My husband helps me a lot is just that I am not sure of when or how to go about with this new motherhood journey thank you for the information! 🤍

For me i never pump at all. Direct latch. Just eat well, keep yourself hydrated and wash after every pee. I dont wear binder too. Because everything is giving me stress. My baby is 8 mths now. 3rd baby. I didnt do any for my 2nd and 3rd.

2y ago

Sadly my baby only latch on me for comfort feedings and also I will be goibg bck to work after my ML ends so to prevent future meltdowns I decided to pump exclusively and mix feeds as and when..

I’m a c sect mom and nope I didn’t sleep with my binder. Pump during the day and get your sleep at night to save your sanity. BM is not the only good food that you will be giving your child throughout his/her life.

I find that wireless pump will help alot. u can try to get those instead.. so u can lie back on the bed while you pump. E.g. babyexpress pump

Try to BF instead of pumping? Only pump after u BF to increase ur milk supply

2y ago

Den just focus on pumping timing. Every morning u wake up (7am eg) pump at 12 noon, pump at 5pm, and pump when u rch hm and pump before slp. The same timing everyday. Stretch up to 5 hours

