Helper on phone

I warn my helper 2x.. and told her to put the phone on the dining table , only uses it only during her break time. But I know my 2month old LO, needs to be carried constantly, once u put him down in this bassinet, he cries. So I allow the helper to use the phone to watch movie when my baby is sleeping on her (soundly then to put baby back in his bassinet). Den recently she kept using n using taking it for granted. EG, I’m taking care of baby in the room, and she is using her phone at the living room. I dun wanna b too stern to her, as eventually after ML I’ll b back in workforce, I dun wan her to ill treat my baby. What Shld I do?

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Handphones is the biggest distraction... My helper took advantage of the handphone flexibility... played a lot of facebook, obsessed with taking selfies. as a result, didnt do some housework properly and keep forgeting some routined jobs. confiscated her phone and only let her use 15 mins every night to video call with her husband and 3 year old child... she has been more productive since then... normal days, contact her through house phone and observe through CCTV... maybe u should try implementing some measures first...if no improvements then change...

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1y ago

I think 15mins is not enough to call her family, you can give her phone at night and its up to her until what time she use as long as she wakes up in the morning to do her job again. If not then you can consider change helper. If a worker not happy emotionally then tendency they cannot do job very well. Just my opinion. :)


If you really trust her and think she did a good job taking care of your lo, talk to her again regarding the use of phone, remind her again you already gave her the freedom but hope she don’t abuse it. If she don’t listen and do it again, I would then advice you to change helper. If a simple instruction she can’t follow, how to trust she will give her 100% when you’re not at home?

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1y ago

Sigh.. just yesterday, she told me baby was sleepy, she will pay him to slp. Next moment I can even hear their voice at the dining table. She is on FaceTime toking so loudly and holding my baby dancing.. I think she is beyond hope. I told her I’m a disappointing manner “u can eat wadever u wan, I’m taking care of the baby most of the time. U only have minimal hse chores to do.. yet u dun appreciate..”. She teared and wanted to hug me.. I walked off.. I’m asking my agent for new candidates. Btw, she used to use the phone (FaceTiming) when feeding, changin diaper, cooking, folding clothes, bathing my LO, moping the floor etc… the only moment is she not on the phone is when she is sleeping.

Maybe try to get a replacement asap. You cn check her sincerity to take good care of baby first. Cz accidents mite happen if shes not attentive when handling baby. Your baby deserves a better helper.

2y ago

She takes quite a good care of my LO.. tats y I’m not really thinking of changing a helper. Like just now, she is on the phone while cooking… 😐

I think with helper you’ll need to be stern else theyll take it lightly.

2y ago

I just gave her a 3rd warning…. Den she gave a face… really considering to change a helper