38w not dilated, will get induced on edd
Hi mummies, i havent dilated @ 38week+ appointment and my gynae suggested for me to get induced 39 weeks onwards. However i told her i wanted to get induced on my edd day itself, in hoping baby will want to come out naturally. This will be my first born btw and so far baby’s condition is good and growing well with ideal normal weight. However i am beyond terrified as everyone who went thru induced have a bad experience and some ended up in csec. Which i wanted to avoid the most, Can mummies share with me your induce story and experience, so i can somehow know what to expect. Is it normal to not dilate @ 38 weeks+ and any possibility i can naturally dilate before edd ? Were you dilated before the induce, and how long was your labor? Were you able to deliver naturally or was it a failed induced. And hows the recovery if csec. Does induce higher chance for csec #FTM #advicepls

I think being dilated or not at the start doesn’t really matter. It matters if your cervix can open fast enough during labour. I went in for my 38 weeks appointment to find that I was 1.5cm dilated. Baby’s amniotic fluid was slightly lower than ideal by like around 0.4 only. But baby’s position was good and baby was a good weight so my doctor recommended for me to get induced. We checked in that very same night midnight to the hospital to get induced. Long story short, my cervix couldn’t open fast enough. I was stuck at 4cm after 15 hours. Waterbag was broken by doctor at 3cm in hopes that it will accelerate labour but it didn’t. Luckily I called for epidural at around 3cm so I didn’t feel too much contraction pains. In the end, due to fetal heart rate was starting to show abit of distress, my doctor called for an emergency c sect and my baby was born 15mins later. Tbh, when I first found out that I had to E C sect I was very upset and kept crying but looking back it is really not as bad as it seems and recovery for me so far (3 weeks postpartum) has been much much much easier than I imagined. And the pain (so far up till now) I would say is lesser than having to go through contraction pains. It’s just the psychological barrier you need to get past. So don’t be scared if you really in the end need to E C Sect it is not as bad as what you would’ve thought. I asked many mummies who went through this and they all said the same thing. All the best to you! :)
Read moreHelloo, FTM here I was induced with cervidil on the 18th at around 1pm, I was 0cm dilated (induced due to small baby and reduced fetal movement) at 38+5weeks. Took a while to reach 3cm dilation, if I recall, I was 3cm only until next day morning! Started getting contractions and was given epidural and a drip that induces contractions at around the 12pm noon the next day, 19th. Next check at 3pm, I was 7cm! Then again at 6pm I was already ready to go at 10cm! Delivered that night at 7.30pm. Overall good experience, I asked my Dr what were the risks/downsides to inducing and he mentioned that inducing tend to hurt more (which it did but I was still ok, managed to shower and poop at 3cm lol, fyi I was given a pain relief jab on my thigh before the epidural and it did help) and that inductions have a 30% chance or failing (resulting in C-section) but thank goodness it was all well! Even though my induction took around 30hrs from start to delivery, I actually enjoyed the experience, the labour ward nurses and doctors were amazing and u will forget all the pain when u see ur baby. You will never know for sure if ur induction will be a success but do it if u have a good reason to. I told myself no matter the outcome, I just want my baby here and healthy.
Read morehello! ahhh i miss being pregnant and my baby only turned 6 months not long ago 😂 during my 38th week appt, i was only 1 1/2cm dilated. and i thought it'll progress in a few days, but nope. the contractions started 3 days before EDD (gave birth 1 day before EDD). i was in labour for 26 hrs, transferring from delivery suite > ward > back to delivery suite. i wasn't even recommended on being induced as everyth was normal - baby's growth & health is good plus it's not 40 weeks or past 40 weeks. pls note that induced or not, any normal pregnancies have a small chance of emergency C-Sect (i was informed aft long hours of deciding to take epidural). i might not help, but i would advice you to just wait till it's due. wherever possible, if you do not need to induce, then just don't.
Read moreim not dilated until 4 days after edd when baby's amniotic sac decided to burst and come out on natural birth. i was only 1cm dilated and had to put induce medication to "wake" the tissue up for dilation. Bag burst until delivery was around 16 hrs, i bore with the contraction pain for so long and it is every 3-4mins interval. its always best to listen to doctor's advice because every human body is different including baby's condition. whether you can give birth naturally or c-sect, depends on your body and baby's development. jiayou!
Read moreYou don’t have to get induced if you dont want to. I was encouraged by doc to get induced at 39weeks also because i didnt dilate yet during 38th week checkup. I chose to just wait and do a lot of walking to induce and gave birth at 39+3. 5cm dilated at 12pm and gave birth at 1pm. Can try eating dates & drink raspberry leaf tea. Depends on you whether want to induce or not but i guess waiting a lil bit more is okay.
Read morei gave birth at 39+1. i was 2cm dilated when i reached hospital and a while after being induced i was 3.5cm, gynae broke my water bag & within 3 hours i managed to deliver my daughter through vaginal brith. i reached hospital at around 12.30am and gave birth on the same day noon around 12.30pm
I wasnt checked for dilation for my first baby but i only delivered a day prior to edd. I walk alot n also spend many hours in labour (too tensed n refused to take epidural at first). But i still went thru normal delivery
I induce at 38weeks as I was losing weight. Induce for 3 days (3pills inserted). The checking of dilation n “opening” of cervix bone is super painful. End up only 4cm on 3rd day. Went thru Emergency Csect. First child
What is the reason she gave to be induced at 39w? Seems unnecessary.
Gynae told me if baby stays for too longer, there might be chances of stillbirth even if its small percentage so she just want to avoid it. Altho i have no complication and baby is still growing well.