Sesi Tanya Pakar bersama Cik Koon Yi JIng, Pakar Fisioterapi Kesihatan Wanita daripada Beyond Physio
Sesi Tanya Pakar kini kembali lagi dan kali ini kami bawakan istimewa untuk anda Pakar Fisioterapi Kesihatan Wanita daripada Beyond Physio iaitu Cik Koon Yi JIng. Tanya apa-apa persoalan anda berkaitan dengan senaman sewaktu hamil dan pakar kami akan menjawab persoalan anda secara terus pada hari Rabu , 10 Februari 2021 jam 3 petang. *NOTA : Persoalan yang diluar daripada topik akan dipadam dan berkemungkinan tidak akan dijawab oleh pakar kami.

Hi mamas, I have answered all your questions. Hope it helps! Follow Beyond Physio on FB (beyondphysiofb) or IG (beyondphysioig) where I share exercises and videos regarding exercises and advices during pregnancy and post-partum. Beyond Physio is a home based Physiotherapy Clinic at Putrajaya where we specialise in treating pain conditions, pelvic floor related issues and exercises during pregnancy and after delivery. I will also be doing an Online Pregnancy Prep Class in English on 7th March which I will share hip opening stretches, pelvic mobility exercises, breathing training, use of a birth ball, labour and delivery positions for easier push and to reduce tear as well as partner massage. Follow us on FB or IG for registration later!
Baca lagiHi Dr. Senaman bagaimana yang boleh melegakan sakit belakang/pinggang yaa ??! Dan kedudukan bagaimana bagi mengelakkan perut tegang/tertarik ketika berdiri dan melakukan pekerjaan selain berbaring ?😅 Tq for advice n have a nice day
Hello doktor.. sy mengandung yg pertama kali dan saya ada post slip disc surgery 2019..apakah saya perlu bersenam dan senaman yang bagaimanakah sesuai utk saya..kandungan baru 7weeks..tq doc..
For post slip disc cases, avoid prolonged sitting and avoid frequent forward bending. You can start with gentle prenatal yoga which is core and pelvic floor focus.
Hi Dr, jika saya jarang bersenam sebelum hamil, dan semasa hamil baru ingin mula bersenam secara harian (saya baru join kelas senaman for beginners), takpe ke?
Pastikan join beginners sahaja
Hy dok. sy hamil 27week boleh kah amalkan obat auroxetil . sbb sy tak ada pecah ketuban & bleeding tp jln lahir dh buka 2cm .
beyond confinement ni berdekatan rumah sy..tempat utk berpantang kan?dlm keadaan covid ni bukak ke?berapa bayaran?sy due 16.03 ni
Hai, Beyond Physio adalah Klinik Fisioterapi (bukan pusat berpantang) yang merawat ibu dengan kesakitan semasa mengandung atau selepas bersalin. Keadaan biasa yang kita rawat termasuk sakit belakang, sakit leher dan bahu, masalah lantai panggul, pemisahan perut dan inkontinensia (kencing bocor). Kami juga melakukan kelas senaman individu semasa kehamilan dan selepas bersalin. Kelas senaman kumpulan (sesi dalam talian) juga ada. Kami buka juga semasa MCO. Anda boleh melayari laman web kami untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut.
My favourite workout would be doing the squat. I heard it’s an excellent way to assist with giving birth. Is this true?
That's right. Squatting can help to improve movements in your pelvis and hips, strengthen your lower body muscles as well as your core. These are all important for labour and delivery. If you are new to squat, check out my FB/IG post on 'How to squat': In addition, squatting also helps to prevent constipation (which is a common issues among pregnant ladies). Follow my posts below on FB/IG regarding squatting & constipation. FB IG
Sekiranya saya baru mendapat tahu saya sedang mengandung, apakah jenis senaman yang saya perlu elakkan di awal trimester?
Elakkan high impact exercise (jumping) dan body contact group sports.
This is more related to postpartum but how do I know if I have diastasis recti? And how do I address this issue?
Hi Sarah, A belly contraction test done with head lift is the most commonly used test for diastasis recti (belly separation). A separation less than 2 fingers width is considered normal. If you have a separation larger then 2 fingers width, you are advised to visit a women health physiotherapist to guide you on exercises to correctly recruit the core muscles. Do not do crunch or sit ups for this issue. Plank need to be done with caution (make sure there is no 'doming' in the belly while performing exercises). Diastasis recti can sometime be the cause of low back pain, incontinence and other pelvic floor related problems. Please refer to this video regarding testing for diastasis recti and a few basic exercises to try out. However a visit to a women health physiotherapist is highly recommended as most moms tend to perform the exercises wrongly without professional guidance.
hai doktor..saya pregnant 20 minggu boleh tak.klaw saya makan suplemen seperti minyak kelapa dara..tq
Physio for pre/post natal pain, exercise/pilates at Putrajaya