36 Replies

Old wives tale la 😂 baby is based on yours and hubby's genes, no such thing as drinking light or dark will affect the baby's skin.

Erm.. first tri, I had like coffee everyday, then after that Milo took over to replace coffee.. my baby come out fair skin leh..

I’ve been drinking Milo, tea and eating chocolate and my baby cane out Super fair. So don’t listen to whatever they say.

Super Mum

If a white couple drink coffee the baby also turns out black? Lol some people don't understand how genetic works

VIP Member

It is not true. Skin tone is genetic. Maybe not directly from the parents but the parents’ lineage.

Indeed it is ridiculous! I dont fall for this kind of old wives tales.

I believe complexion or skin colour is genetic one leh.


Nah. I drink milo everyday but my baby come out fair.

Yah its base on Genes.. I dont follow all these ..

VIP Member

Def not true. Skin color is mainly genetics

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