Sesi Tanya Pakar bersama Cik Angie Heng, Pengarah Urusan Kiwanis Down Syndrome Foundation.

Bersempena dengan Hari Sindrom Down Sedunia pada 21 Mac 2021, kami bawakan khas kepada anda pakar untuk anda bertanya terus secara langsung apa-apa persoalan berkaitan dengan Sindrom Down bersama dengan Cik Angie Heng, Pengarah Urusan Kiwanis Down Syndrome Foundation. Ikuti perbincangan ini pada hari Ahad, 21 Mac 2021, jam 3 petang dengan topik 'Apakah itu Sindrom Down dan adakah anak Sindrom Down boleh dididik?' *NOTA : Sebarang persoalan di luar daripada topik dan masa yang ditetapkan akan dipadam atau tidak akan di jawab.

Sesi Tanya Pakar bersama Cik Angie Heng, Pengarah Urusan Kiwanis Down Syndrome Foundation.
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What are some of the major things we as parents should know or remember when we find out our baby has down syndrome?

4y ago

Hi Ayeesha, Parents should know that children with Down Syndrome have similar needs just like other babies. There are some health conditions that are more common in children with Down Syndrome. It is important that baby with Down Syndrome is screened for these health conditions eg heart condition, their hearing, their visual, thyroidism etc. Children with Down Syndrome can be educated. The earlier they receive the early intervention programme the better it is for them. In KDSF-National Centre we provide the Early Intervention Programme for children with Down Syndrome for children as young as 2 months old to 6 years old. Connect with a local parent support group if possible.

Adakah anak dgn DS ni kerap menggunakan isyarat tangan atau apa2 anggota fizikal jika ingin berkomunikasi?

4y ago

Puan Syara, sebagaimana yang kita semua sedia maklum kanak-kanak Sindrom Down mengalami perkembangan pertuturan yang agak lewat berbanding dengan kanak- kanak seusia mereka. Oleh hal yang demikian mereka cenderung untuk menggunakan bahasa tubuh untuk berkomunikasi seperti mengunakan pergerakan tangan dan ekspresi muka. Di KDSF kami menggunakan Makaton sign sebagai medium untuk membantu murid-murid kami berkomunikasi. Makaton Sign ialah isyarat pergerakkan tangan dan juga simbol dalam bentuk gambar.

What are the best things about kids with Down Syndrome? How can we bring out the best in them as well?

4y ago

Children with Down Syndrome are usually very sociable. They can interact easily with anyone. Most of them love music and dancing. However each individual is different and has their own potential. Identify their abilities, support and help to develop their potential skills.

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How can I teach my child to interact with DS kids to get him to understand them better? My son is 2.

4y ago

Sarah, children with Down Syndrome are children first. Down Syndrome is a condition they are born with. They play like all typical children. They will react just like any children would to rowdy play..

Is it always very obvious that a child has Down syndrome? Is it possible that it may not be known?

4y ago

Children with Down Syndrome may have some prominent physical features that a gynaecologist may be able to detect. However, there are 3 types of Down Syndrome: 1) Trisomy 21 (95% of cases) 2) Translocation (4% of cases) and 3) Mosaicism (1% of cases). Children with Mosaicism may have less prominent physical features of Down Syndrome. Therefore is it always advisable to do a chromosome test to confirm if the child is with Down Syndrome.

Can down syndrome be cured? If not, what treatment programs can be introduce to the child?

4y ago

Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder and not a disease, so there is no treatment for the condition. Individual with Down Syndrome has an extra chromosome 21. Children with Down Syndrome can be educated. The earlier they receive the early intervention programme the better it is for them. In KDSF-National Centre we provide the Early Intervention Programme for children with Down Syndrome for children as young as 2 months old to 6 years old.


Bagaimana ibu bapa dapat mengesan anak mereka adalah syndrome down selain rupa mereka?

4y ago

Puan Nora, pengesahan Sindrom Down boleh dilakukan dengan ujian darah kanak-kanak itu bagi mengesan kehadiran kromosom tambahan kromosom nombor 21.

Can I know how early in the pregnancy can we know if our baby has down syndrome?

4y ago

From our knowledge there are a few tests that can determine if a baby is with Down Syndrome. 1) Amniocentesis – during 16 weeks of pregnancy, 2) Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) – 9-11 weeks 3) Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) – first trimester. These tests may not hundred percent accurate. As we are not doctors, we would advise that you consult a gynecologist.

penyakit ni kalau takda genetik boleh trjadi jugak ke ?

4y ago

Sindrom Down hanya terjadi kerana disebabkan oleh kromosom tambahan pada kromosom nombor 21 yang terdapat pada seseorang individu. Terdapat tiga salinan kromosom 21 (biasanya hanya dua salinan) terdapat dalam setiap satu sel bg individu yang mempunyai Sindrom Down. Pada kebiasaannya Sindrom Down terhasil daripada kondisi kromosom seperti yang dinyatakan. Walau bagaimanapun sekiranya keluarga pernah mempunyai sejarah kelahiran Sindrom Down khususnya dari jenis Sindrom Down Tanslocation, kebarangkalian untuk kelahiran Sindrom Down boleh diwarisi.

Budak down syndrome ni perangai dia lain ke? Apa yang lain sebenarnya?

4y ago

Secara umumnya kanak-kanak Sindrom Down adalah seperti kanak-kanak tipikal yang lain. Namun demikian perkembangan mereka adalah lewat berbanding kanak-kanak seusia mereka. Sebagai contoh mereka lambat dalam pertuturan, ini menyukarkan mereka untuk mengekspresi perasaan mereka. Oleh sebab itu mereka banyak menunjukan perasaan melalui tingkah laku yang kadang kala disalah ertikan.