Caring after child with no help..
Who here looks after your infant without any help? Eg mom, mil, hired helper, infant care etc... How do you do it?

From birth till maternity ends: myself n my mum While working: my mum and my mil Lo at 22 months: cc and myself (still working) Lo at 39 months: half day cc and myself (stop working) I too have no 1 to really be there to help with lo. My mum is old and my mil have other grandchildren to take care off. Work out ur steps as u go along. What u plan now might not work in a few months time. Placing in cc is a good choice but once they are sick then it is very hard on us working mum. My lo was also so tired after almost 10 hours in cc. But now with half day cc n me being at home, the situation is much better. I am there when she is not well. We also get to spend more time together. But the minus point now is financial we are tight. We are also planning our next move as we go along.
Read moreWe lived with my parents for awhile after I have birth because house wasn't done with the renovation. I looked after baby myself - feed, shower, etc. Hubs not so confident with babies, has no exp with young kids but he does try to get baby to sleep or takeover at times when I desperately needed sleep. Only occasionally I just ask my parents to watch over baby when I need to shower or use the toilet but even so also, can sense they haven't spent time with a newborn in a long while. So eventhough technically there is 'help' but I found it easier and less of a hassle and burden to do all the things myself. Not sure how I'm gonna manage with 2 soon. Have no intention of getting a helper, CC haven't gotten back to me and my parents are quite a distance away from us. 😭
Read moreThough I have help from my mil, but I am taking care of him by myself at night. Pretty tiring, with no help from the hub! Baby sleeping time is kinda screwed, sometimes he wake up hourly and throw temper because of his sleeping position. My hub will always say I got so much sleep and I don’t have to work on weekends and he needs to. With this sentence I feel unfair cause he didn’t even help, and yet he was the one who are watching video all night and sleeping late thus he didn’t get much sleep! Probably you can try asking you hub, mil or mum for assistant!
Read more1st 5 weeks, confinement nanny, me and hub. Aft that till week 14, me. Before going back to work, send to my parents nearby Now 14 mths, helper go to my parents house with baby and dog, coz I'm preg with 2nd one and still working full time.. body too tired to handle a walking baby... me and my hub tried to interact with bb as much as possible when we are at home..
Read moreIt's only 1 wk since my CL left and I been taking care of my LO. Never been so exhausted and emotional in my life especially when she didn't nap much, drinks round the clock and very clingy. I can't get any rest at all and wonder if I shd just send to IFC earlier. Originally plan to send after my maternity but I don't think I can survive that long!
Read moreTotally feel u! I dun even dare to drink as need to pee ... no meal time as time
I take care of my baby and work from home as programmer / business analyst at the same time.. I just live each day at a time. I pray and hope that tomorrow will be better as it is really tough to do both but rewarding at the same time. I wish you all the best. You will figure things out once you are already there.
Read moreI have been looking after my 4 weeks old from day 1. I must say during the day is not as painful as the night time. I’m still trying to adjust to it. It is challenging but I heard from other mommies out here that it will all be worth it. In the meantime, any advise to share to help this new mommy out? 🤣
Read moreI alone taking care of my lo .. it’s really tired everyday , coz there is no ending for work until the nt sleep .. thts also not sufficient, but no other option.. still my hubby n mil says what work u hv u r taking so much rest .. :( house hold work n taking care of baby is like a full time job for me
Read morehugs to u too. u r doing awesome.
Ive been looking after my lo since he was a newborn til now that he’s 6 mths plus with no help from anyone(not even my hubby) t was hard for the first few months but once i figured out how to work on a daily schedule things slowly fell into place. You’ll get there too mummy!
Me 🙋🏻♀️ it’s extremely exhausting physically n emotionally but just grit your teeth and try to tank lor. Knowing that you have no help n no choice (of course can send to infant care but I want my child to grow up with her mama) automatically makes you stronger!
For me, I realised the importance of prioritising chores n time management. Prioritising: Certain chores I know must settle by today then I’ll definitely find time to complete them. Chores that directly affect baby is the most important like washing + sterilising of bottles, spending time with her & trimming her nails. All the other chores (like housework) if I’m really tired n need a break, I will then ask myself is it die die must do by today? If no, then I can leave it till tomorrow! You need to survive to see another day to complete them! 😂 Time management: Say for example, laundry will take maybe about 90mins to be done so while waiting I’ll go wash bottles n put them in steriliser and do some simple chores. By the time I’m done with my chores, my laundry will be ready for airing. My 3mo baby usually takes nap of 1-3hrs so I try to use 1/2 naptime to complete my chores. Then I try to take a break n rest! But I can only do this cos my husband is understanding n we both know that