Who helped you to take care your newborn
I am alone with my newborn at home. I didn't get any help from my MIL. My mother lives in another country and she can not come and help me. My husband is busy earning for the family and he has night shifts too.. Not enough money to spend to hire a helper. I am stressed with all the new changes and have no sleep. How can I deal with this? any mum here who took care newborn alone?

hi mummy! im a foreigner and i take care of my baby alone cos my husband is working. it can be overwhelming especially during the first months but it gets better eventually. take it one day at a time. if there are things that you cannot do for the day (like cleaning, cooking, etc), let it be. it also helps to have a baby carrier to carry your newborn with you of you want to do things. for me since my baby agreed to be in the carrier when he was 4 months old, that's only the time when i was able to get a few tasks done. i was and still sleep deprived until now (baby is 8 mos). so when my baby sleeps, i try to rest too. he is contact sleeping so cant do much when he sleeps. it also helps to call your mum too! she cant be there with you physically but just talking to her can make a big difference! take care mummy ok?
Read moresame case here.mil only comes occasionally.. take a breather when u need to. for example stand outside of your house and enjoy the natural beauty.. get your husband to take care of the baby once he has washed up etc after work. then you get a good long shower and put on your night facial routine. or anything that is 'me time'. even if its 30 minutes. the NB phase is crazy. it will get better around 1.5 to 2 months old. hang on there.
Read moreFirstly, great job mama for being the sole caretaker for your LO while hubby is busy making a living! It must be super tough, youv got this! The most tiring time is in the first 3-6Months, it really does get easier with time! So there’s light at the end of the tunnel!! Make sure to cook easy meals and sleep while baby sleeps. Work your schedule on your baby’s schedule and it’ll get better day by day
Read moreI am caring for my twin babies alone.. sleep while they sleep.. usually wakes up every 2-3hours for milk.. after drinking, change diapers and put them back to sleep.. no need to touch/pat them, they’ll doze off.. we dun practise carrying babies to put them to sleep.. food wise I made soup by throwing all the ingredients to cook in a pot without having to worry abt it n setting a timer..
Read moreJiayou mummy! I'm also taking care of my newborn alone though I do get help from my parents and MIL occasionally. It's easier to order tingkat or if you can, cook those one pot meal. Rest when you can, this is important! Trust yourself that you can do it and the best for yourself and bb. Jiayou jiayou jiayou!
Read moreno one, taking care alone with hubs with expressed milk feeding. My mom recently came visit from overseas for a mth and helped out a little.. things will improve a little from 2 mths onwards once they start to sleep longer into the night and you get used to this new life. jia u and hang on!
Try to order meal and don’t bother about house cleaning. Just take care of baby and yourself. Play some music for u and baby to destress.
My mother has been my pillar of support. I shifted close to her so that i could get help.