working mum who dun get help from parents/inlaw
Wana know how working mums manage to pick their kid from childcare after work and go back cook, feed dinner, bathe and put lo to bed if lo usually sleep early lile 7.30pm or 8pm? And without parents/in law help and no helper.

Here's my timeline: By the time i reach hm would b 5:30pm -Get ready his bath of warm water - get ready clothes to be worn after his bath (All these will be laid on the table so no rushing anywhere n leaving him unattended) - get ready boiled water (since i dun have an electric one n use a thamos to keep it warm thru the night) - get ready portions of his milk for the whole night feeding (so i dun have to rush when i need it) - wash all his previously used bottles n strealise them cause in the morn i usually dun have the time since i have to send him to daycase n rush to work straight - get ready his daycare bag for tomorrow morning so i wouldnt have to rush in case of cranky morn mood After all these i may have like half hr to myself b4 fetching him at 7pm from daycare.. 😊 So use tht half hr wisely to rest..
Read moreHi, It really takes a lot of hard-work, dedication and strength to do all this. I would suggest few options which might help : 1. Daycare will really help 2. May I suggest if you can get a helper 3. Half prepare your meals 4. Speak with your husband and see how can you two divide work. That way both of you are able to manage time properly
Read moreI will be facing this challenge too and can't imagine how am I going to deal with it yet 😅 I usually finish work at 6pm and estimate can only pickup LO and reach home earliest by 7pm, its kinda late actually. Probably will just try first for few weeks, if really can't survive then will SOS from mil or mom 🤣
Read moreHi mummy, usually I knock off at 6pm and pick my LO from infant care around 6.30pm. Reached home, have dinner (I ordered tingkat), then quickly have a shower myself, wipe down my LO then feed her and put her to lala land around 7.30-8pm... Hope it helps! :)
To continue, after picking him up at 7pm, usually he hasnt feed yet so i bathe him, dress him up, let him play for a bit then by 8pm get him to feed then to sleep... 😊 hope this lengthy post helps u..
Previously I asked for work at home and those days that I need to go work, I asked for early dismissal so that I can pick up my baby.
Same for me. My mum help me with #1 but number #2 need infant care.
Get a maid if you don't want to street yourself too much....
Day care