feeling down all the time while pregnant
hello everyone, just call me Jane. I need some advices, guidance, moral support for the time being. im pregnant 2 months plus, soon gonna turn to 3 months with twins. let say that there's no one being there to give you all the supports that you're needed starting from A until Z, what are u going to do? 2 months pregnancy, 2 months of depression. seems like I'm the one who's going to fight for the battle since the father of this child doesn't care at all. this is not the way that I want but after all I've decided to keep the babies although I need to go through all of it by myself. sometimes I really need to be with someone, talk to someone, sharing everything that I need to let the world know bout it. I'm so stressful. ?

hai there , you don't have to feel down pregnancy is a journey not everyone might have the opportunity to go through it . congrats you have came this far and i do believe you will be an amazing mom that you choose to be. we are in the same shoes , I am almost 36weeks pregnant and I am a single parent . the father of the baby didn't want to be responsible . my family also not supporting me . I only have myself and baby is the reason why I choose to be strong alone. God is with us. His plans never be wrong because everything will be okay in his way . Have faith, God bless you🙏
Baca lagiim going to tell u what i told my sister who is going through similiar like u.u dont need a man to be happy. the happiness comes within u therefore u need to love yourself first. your kids will always be there for u and will always love u. focus on u and ur babies. if u need someone to talk to, maybe turn to ur family because they will never let u down as friends can stab u in the back slowly and if u feel down try watching law of attraction on youtube. it seems to be helping my family alot. wish u all the best. 😘
Baca lagiBertuahnya awk sis .. dpt twins .. Saya anak dh ramai tp tkda rezeki nk Ada anak kembar ..sis tenangkan pikiran ,enjoy your pregnancy .. Jgn stress ,pikir ttg kesihatan sis Dan baby dlm kandungan itu yg paling utama .. Ttg ayah baby tu plk klo dia tk peduli .. mngkin lps baby sis lahir nti dia lembut hati .. siapa Tau kan .. Skrg sis pikir utk diri sis sendiri dlu .. buat apa yg sis suka .. ttg org lain .. kemudianlah ..Sbb dia bknnya bdk kecik lg ..pandai pikir dh
Baca lagihi jane. i feel you. i been through almost same situation as yours. my husband never care about me and baby. he just never there when i need him the most. But, all the i just be positive, think positive. i just thinks about the baby. i really want my baby. When i feel the movement inside my womb i feel happy dear. You should think about bby. Just forget about others. 😊😊
Baca lagiHello Jane. You are not alone. Every parent in this community is with you. It is going to be tough though, so think about your support system - can your parents help you out physically? Your siblings? Friends? Twins mean a lot of work at the same time. So, it is essential to sort that out. If you can, get a maid/nanny as soon as they are born. It will make your life a bit easier.
Baca lagidear mommy. please dont stress yourself out. you still have us when no body around you to consult too. you carrying twin, and you need to be extra careful. take care of yourself. take a good rest. dont over thinking. dont forget about your supplement. if you need to talk to someone, we all can hear it. just dont stress out.
Baca lagibe strong and hold on..one day you'll see your baby and all the pain will go away. Your baby will be your bff forever. be positive about it. All that matters is you and your baby even when everyone is around doesn't mean they're useful. there's a lot of community to help you through it all
hello jane. congratulations ya. keep praying thr good things as it is the most strongest weapon in life. your baby is the one who is always there for you one day, and im sure he/she will protects his/her mommy 😍😍💕
Show him u can do it by ur self..that u not weak,talk with ur baby..they can hear u..ur gonna be the greatest mom ,twin baby?..aww i can imagine they so cute, believe that ur prob will dispr aftr see them born..😘😘
Hi Jane u are not alone and like one of the wise mummy said, u dont need a man to make u happy. Happiness is within u n u focus on that and the babies r gonna make u a happy mummy.