I am sad. I am a sahm. Just had a quarrel with my husband. My LO is 1 month 1 week. I just rise the question asking when he would want to bring him for injection. And he start to piss off and tell me he had been taking alot of leave since I give birth and also during our wedding period which is within this year. And he say to me that I always take and want him to do everything for me. Can't I just do it myself? As a new mom taking care of baby is abit difficult and I hardly have time for myself or sleep. I where got the time to even do my own stuff. He told me that his work is stacking up and he needs to work. Work is as important as the family. Without work how can he feed us. And i feel that I am so useless after he say all the things to me. Feel so regretted to have a baby or even married him.

Hugs...i think that having a child adds stress to everyone. Both u and him have made very valid points and are both right - its just that there is a lot of things demanding our effort and attention and things are not like the way before. As for baby's injection, i think u have to call the polyclinic to make appointment first as here can be a bit of a waiting time and u don't want to do it too late. The jabs are free at the polyclinics and if u are on time, its a very fast recess w v little waiting time. There is nothing to regret actually. Its just that marriage and being parents brings along its joys as well as its own set of problems and we just have to handle things along the way as and when they pop up. For the baby's vaccine abs, when nearing the date u can check if he can take leave otherwise get someone else to go with u, a family member or a friend as u will need some help along the way Soon u will be very good at handling baby and can even bring baby out to the supermarket. Soon he will clear his stack up work and be not so stressed. Give ur husband assurance too as the sole-income provider will have lots of stress too especially if work is not smooth going
Read moreWhen I'm all leave alone as a ftm and sahm, bringing lo for jab is pretty stress as I'm alone too but nb Jab and registeration is pretty fast. I would get my hub to go polyclinic, take the queue and snap a pic while I'm preparing myself and lo then can over. Hub also does stress as as they do worried if we are coping well at home or so, both need chill. I realize picking up all lo task from 1mo need abit more confident just like our first day of work in new company and environment. You will slowly adapt get the cue of your lo. Once I pick my lo cue, I have been heading out without issue since 3mo just that I get panick if I can't find a nursing room. Jiayous :)
Read moreYou are more than courageous for taking up the sahm role. Sahm have no lunch break, no tea break, no annual leave, no sick leave etc. Only interval short rest time when baby take a short nap. You are more than wonderful and capable. So pls do not feel useless or even think that you are useless. As much as you are a new parent, your husband is a new parent himself too. On top of dealing with new found parenthood, he has to deal with work stress as well. Hope the both of you can have a talk regarding this when the both of you have calm down. Stay positive and happy , a happy mother nurtures a happy child. Hugs.
Read moreLucky for you that at least you are a SAHM. Me got to work play a part support family and yet when I was pregnant I already have to go gynae myself till I gave birth. Same reason work comes first cannot take leave. Haiz some more tell family members his top priority is Family comes first! Wad a joke. Hang in there. You will be able to make it. Have confidence in yourself. Like the rest says seek help from other family members who might be able to come along to give a helping hand. Stay strong for your baby as you see the lovely bundle of joy grows, you will come to realize all the worth.
Read moreWell, a lot of man think the same way. They don't know how a sahm works. All they think is you only have to take care of a baby. It's an easy task, how come you can't even work on it yourself? Some men don't even listen to your story. Perhaps you just gotten some men who isn't as understanding. Sorry, but to say that we women should prove ourselves that we aren't useless. Some man don't even thought of helping us even when we shout for help. Then you ask him, what for you want a baby? Just to show off? It's our responsibility to raise a child. The child isn't mine alone, it belongs to both of us.
Read moreBe strong, maybe u can ask your mum or anyone u feel comfortable with to accompany you, to be frank with you, my case is I ask him to accompany me go bring lo for injection and he did once when lo was about 3 months I think then subsequently he did not follow me even when I ask many times till I fed up, so is normally I go myself or with my mum, don't worry I am also a first time mummy, we will learn ourself, I become much stronger than before I can do many things myself like bring lo out when lo 4 months old. U can also do it.
Read moreMan prospective: I think you are new to this housewife role. It is important to seek support from your mother in law and mother. It is the role of the housewife to run the household while man go out work and have a sanctuary to come home. Unless both of you are working.. Hushband and wife got job to do. My colleagues who's wife are housewife have pack lunch from home and etc. This is the agreement they have with their wife.i reckon you are new and it takes time. Don't stress up.
Read morebeing a new parent everyone goes through this stage. your hub don't understand how tired you are and you don't understand how work is important to him. have a talk with him let him know how you can help and how he can help you. you have to be understanding too that he has to work. there are things we can do ourselves too. you're no useless, did your hub ask you to work? you're putting all your effort at home for baby. a mother's duties is the hardest job.
Read moreBig hugs! Look, you are tired and stressed out so is your hub. Naturally men suck at things lile this. They struggle with multi tasking. Lol. Let it go, dont be too upset about it. Having a newborn is tough. Everyone is vigilant and stressed out. Hold on dear, baby needs you both. He could just be having it real hard at work too. Both of you need to excel in your roles for the mean time.
Read moreGiven the current situation, only 1 person is allowed to accompany child for vaccination (not sure about private clincs) or unless child requires special needs.. perhaps you can ask your family member to accompany if your husband cannot.. keep those leaves for emergency.. but do once in a while have your husband to take care of child while you have your me time
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Hansel Pencil's mommy