I am sad. I am a sahm. Just had a quarrel with my husband. My LO is 1 month 1 week. I just rise the question asking when he would want to bring him for injection. And he start to piss off and tell me he had been taking alot of leave since I give birth and also during our wedding period which is within this year. And he say to me that I always take and want him to do everything for me. Can't I just do it myself? As a new mom taking care of baby is abit difficult and I hardly have time for myself or sleep. I where got the time to even do my own stuff. He told me that his work is stacking up and he needs to work. Work is as important as the family. Without work how can he feed us. And i feel that I am so useless after he say all the things to me. Feel so regretted to have a baby or even married him.

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When I'm all leave alone as a ftm and sahm, bringing lo for jab is pretty stress as I'm alone too but nb Jab and registeration is pretty fast. I would get my hub to go polyclinic, take the queue and snap a pic while I'm preparing myself and lo then can over. Hub also does stress as as they do worried if we are coping well at home or so, both need chill. I realize picking up all lo task from 1mo need abit more confident just like our first day of work in new company and environment. You will slowly adapt get the cue of your lo. Once I pick my lo cue, I have been heading out without issue since 3mo just that I get panick if I can't find a nursing room. Jiayous :)

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