Just to rant. I am very piss off with my husband. I told him I want a philips blender for LO so is easier to prepare LO food. He say "use those normal pot to steam can already what. My auntie told to cook porridge like this like that." Then I reply "I want to cook it another way. I am the one preparing not your auntie" Then he say auntie this auntie that. I piss off and say "what your auntie mean to you, whatever she say you listen". He reply " only got logic then I listen not logic I nv care" then I so piss off and look away and he start to poss off too. He say "don't go around the Merri go round. What you want to say just say it now. Rising his voice when we are at Swenson eating dinner. LO was crying and I have to attend to him. He say keep on rising his voice and say "I am so piss off with you always go around the circle to say something. What you want to say just say it!" Then I say I will say it now" I don't give a fuck to what your auntie think. " I nv listen to my own family opinions so I won't listen to his family opinions too. He nv listen to my family opinions also what, he think he knows it all. Then he keep being very angry like crazy man. Just to calm him down I say "if anything I say wrong I say sorry to you and stop acting this way,LO is crying" He nv reply . After eating LO cry so loud, and he refused to let me carry him and say he wants LO to learn to sleep in stroller. Don't every time cry I carry him, I am spoiling him. And LO keep crying and crying, I keep assuring LO but he just want me to carry. My idiot husband just keep pushing the stroller and let him smooth himself. My LO is only 6 months. In car, I ask him why he rise his voice in the restaurant he then start to be piss and shout in car when LO there too.He shout so loud that LO keep crying non stop. I hug LO to saying him. And my husband say" all is because of you! Now he only want to sleep when you hug. You buy so expensive stroller he is not even sleeping inside. If you want him to be pamper and spoil then go ahead and protect him to the max. Next time let him wear skirt!" I remain silent because I really nothing to say to him and I really hate him a lot. I didn't want to talk to him at all. Just remain this way and leave me and my son alone. I am a sahm, so I will do whatever I want at home and he just bring the money back and shut the fuck up. I will ignore whatever he say or do. My heart already die. My son is my everything. He can go be his family dog and do whatever they says.

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You are in the wrong. He already stated his position and you keep pushing him. If you want it get it yourself. I cook porridge in slow cooker and use normal blender. I don't see the need for the food blender that is useful for a few months only. The rest of his reactions is just the result of unable to handle your unreasonable behavior. Honestly speaking, if I am your husband. I would just try to explain to you once and state my ground once. He obviously over committed to it and find you irritating and unreasonable. I would too myself.

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2y ago

Yah I find it quite mean and as mothers we should be more understanding and supportive?

Do not second guess your maternal instinct just because of whatever people say. If you feel your son needs to be soothed, do it. Raising his voice in public (whether he's right or wrong) is a reflection of his character. Auntie is old fashion and we have technology now to help us with our chores. Why not use it? Listening to family's opinion is one thing. You need to listen, take it and do it your way. No obligations. 6 months old is still a very tender age and needs assurance to build self confidence in your son. Be strong mummy.

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VIP Member

Look for a second option or secondhand . Seriously if i had such husband.. I will give him a slap on his face sia !!! Especiallg When he say "protect him to the max next time let him wear skirt ".. if i ever hear thay from my husband i definitely fed up .. AFTER ALL son is both ? how can he say that to you .. And being a SAHM doesnt mean he can be like this or that. Aunty boy ~ (Sorry if my words are mean but i m just stating the fact) Otherwise you try his aunty method see if it works.

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If I were u, i already ask for divorce. Sorry, i didnt mean that u should do the same. Dont let those man think that they are the kings and we are slaves. If he listens to his aunt so much, then its ok. Next time, everything u mention ur uncle ( ur uncle say this, say that.. etc ) If he is trying to argue or raise voice to you at public place, just carry ur LO n walk away. Better for both and baby. Baby needs good environnent to grow up.

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Probably your husband is also feeling the burden and stress of being the sole breadwinner for the household. If his aunt said it's possible in certain ways, suggest to him to get his aunt to come over and prepare. Also explain to him why it is important for you to have those equipment - Save time - Able to mutli task List out the important factors rather then die die insist of doing it ur way (he may have mistaken it)

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I think you can talk to your husband in another so he will listen. And i feel that you have to have your own income too. Don't just rely on him for income. Show your hub what a steamer blender can do and convince him guys are after all guys they won't know all these. To them is waste of money. There are alot steamer blender out there. Honestly after seeing so many i got myself tommee tippee instead it's cheaper and easier to clean.

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Aside from this just my personal preference.. the blender was a hassle to clean imo.. I haven use it after trying for say 2 Mths.. end up buying a steamer can steam normal food too..

VIP Member

why don't you just go and source one yourself. find a second hand version to do it. yes you are the one cooking, so it's much convenient.

yes do look for a 2nd hand philip blender cum steamer. need not necessarily be new. i bought mine through carousell and it works just fine. :)