11 Replies

It depends on gynae, my gynae did an ultrasound for me and managed to hear the heartbeat. Additionally, try to go with a full bladder if you intend to scan otherwise it will be hard to scan and would need to do intra-vaginal scan instead.

What could be scanned will most likely be the amniotic sac. Can't really see the baby yet. The gynae could also opt for intra-vaginal scan for clearer image.

You can't really see the baby during your 6 week scan. They'll probably just get you to come back on the 8th week(: and also they'll give u supplements.

😁ok thanks !

I think by that time you can start to hear the heartbeat. If not, maybe doctor will ask you to return on 8 weeks to check if there is a heartbeat .

Alright ! Hope to hear some heartbeat 😁. Thanks 😁

Probably too early to see anything.. gynae will probably just confirm your pregnancy

Super Mum

Gynae will give vitamins. You might not be able to see much from the scan at 5 weeks.

Alright! Thanks for the info! So excited as this is my first pregnancy 😁

Give u vitamins and estimate edd. Schedule appt for first trimester scan

VIP Member

prob too early to see anything. but Dr will give u vitamins!

Can get some supplements from your gynae

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