First trimester- 5weeks
I am going for a scan next week. Est 6 week pregnant. What to except to be scan/test by gyane? Thanks !!

It depends on gynae, my gynae did an ultrasound for me and managed to hear the heartbeat. Additionally, try to go with a full bladder if you intend to scan otherwise it will be hard to scan and would need to do intra-vaginal scan instead.
What could be scanned will most likely be the amniotic sac. Can't really see the baby yet. The gynae could also opt for intra-vaginal scan for clearer image.
You can't really see the baby during your 6 week scan. They'll probably just get you to come back on the 8th week(: and also they'll give u supplements.
😁ok thanks !
I think by that time you can start to hear the heartbeat. If not, maybe doctor will ask you to return on 8 weeks to check if there is a heartbeat .
Alright ! Hope to hear some heartbeat 😁. Thanks 😁
Probably too early to see anything.. gynae will probably just confirm your pregnancy
Gynae will give vitamins. You might not be able to see much from the scan at 5 weeks.
Alright! Thanks for the info! So excited as this is my first pregnancy 😁
Give u vitamins and estimate edd. Schedule appt for first trimester scan
prob too early to see anything. but Dr will give u vitamins!
Can get some supplements from your gynae