Attending a housewarming gathering soon. Host will not be preparing any buffet, so either us or the host will order grabfood. How much ang pow to give if a) food is on the host b) we are buying the food?

If you are buying food and host not prepare any food I think don't need to bring any extra gift. If host prepare the food and you are close enough with the host can just ask directly what they need. Some may prefer angpao, some prefer gift. My friend mostly prefer angpao (probably 50-100) depends on whether you go alone or with family. Personally I prefer angpao too as I like to shop and choose things myself :)
Read more$88-$100? With or without food will still give as a blessing for new house
wow like that ah.. It depend ba.. Or u can get some gift instead
Buy a gift like cutlery set or bed sheets etc
Depends on how close are you with the host
Better to bring a gift instead though
Depends on how close you guys are?
Hemmm. Just get a gifr
buy a gift easier