post natal emotions

Apparently, my 20 days old bby cried murder the whole night yesterday. Im a ftm. My mum help me with my confinment and take care of bby in the day time and go back home when hub reaches home at 7.30pm. 15mins from the time mum went off till 10pm bby didnt stop crying. Milk given, diapers checked, swaddle done, burped ok, cradle him, hug and cradle, tried every way, so basically all checked out ok. I started crying uncontrollably, overwhelmed with the situation as it nvr happened. I thought i was a bad mum, not knowing what bby wants and what he needs. After hub saw what i was going thru, he called hismum and my mum over. Bby was crying till 1am. I was still so emotional ,not knowing what bby needs/wants. How do u overcome this similar situation? Do u feel that u weren't good enough?

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Super Mum

I haven't even hit 20 days and I've been overwhelmed many times already. But don't ever feel like you're not good enough. You're getting to know and understand your baby's cries and wants, and that takes time. You're doing a good job, Mummy! Some things I've learnt about my newborn include: sometimes my breastmilk isn't enough, and I've learnt to let go and top up with just a bit of formula, which helps baby calm down... also a good swaddle makes for a more secure baby, especially at night... at this stage, sometimes I have to cuddle baby a lot more at night because baby feels insecure... baby sometimes screams till gas or pooped is passed, and this sometimes requires my help to do so. Every baby is different, but you'll gradually discover what clicks for yours okay? Hang in there!

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6y ago

Thanks much! Its day 24 now and im alrd super slp deprived. 4hrs of slp for the passed few days 😴

My baby is also 20 days old. Same situation. Can't put her down to sleep especially when its at night. Ended up carrying her and she fell asleep. Maybe sometimes they just want to be close to you and not left alone. Be strong mummy! Don't overthink too much. I always take deep breaths and calm myself and not let any negative thoughts come to me. We can do this! It's a phase and it'll go away.

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6y ago

Baby was cranky even when i carry him. Even started kicking and i was just afraid that i will drop him.

Super Mum

It can be witching hours where new born is just unsettled from 5pm to 11pm with no apparent reason. I know itnis very annoying even i went thru during the 2nd time ard. When my confinement nanny was ard, she also had hard time settling mine. All I can say is it shall pass and get ue husband in helping. Also, newborn is still adjusting to his surrounding so he will be fussy very easily.

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6y ago

I see. It seems now thr crankiness extend from 9pm to 1am and another episode from 4am to 7am. Its hard to handle alone.


It's perfectly normal to feel the way you feel right now. It's a culture change and yes it's damn overwhelming. We just have to pull through this phase and eventually, it will be over. Life starts only after you have a kid.

VIP Member

Most mums go through that , nothing to do with us not being good enough, big hugs! It does get better as they grow older. It's good that you have some help for now.

Super Mum

Could be colic. My baby was like that last time too. Kept crying and nothing can soothe her. I brought her to the PD and PD said it was colic. Stay strong mummy!

6y ago

What happens when its colic?

Super Mum

Hugs mummy! It's a phase. I went through that as well. It's a period where both you and baby are figuring each other out. Don't worry as it shall pass! Jiayou!

6y ago

Mine took abt a few weeks before it phases out eventually. JY mummy! U r doing a great job!

awww mummy big hug i just cried quietly its good you guys call for help as for me i hv none of my mums all alone

Super Mum

It’s normal to feel overwhelmed but we are not alone. Many mummies can face that

Baby could be having colic. Check the stomach. Massage the baby.