17 Replies

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Ok for men, I realised you have to instruct them what to do exactly and if they don’t do it, they must know the consequences . This was what my husband told me when we had this issue too in the beginning. Most parents will have this “job division” issue when settling into the parenting role. Their brains are wired differently from females, so while we are busy with baby and stressing our mind on why the man is just sitting there, his mind is just a blank. He probably thinks you are doing well on your own. They are also used to seeing women taking the role of the main caregiver so they feel that they don’t need to do anything until wife gives instructions. Do have a talk with him, let him know you need him to take over at meal times , if not no happy wife, no happy life 😬

need to speak out... guys are may not be so sensitive to our needs at times especially after work. Get him to help with little things for a start like giving him the bottle to feed the little one while you finish your meal, or changing the nappy together (Get him to hold the baby while you clean up the baby n vice versa). Most important, do share with him how grateful you are for helping you complete something together... that will get him to offer his help next time :)

VIP Member

Chill honey!! I been a mom for 5 years. I always settle two kids during mealtimes before gulping down my food aft feeding them. You can slowly train your 8mo to self feed. While they self feed, you can feed them spoonfuls too. Yes it gets messy, But once they gets the hang of eating themselves, it gets easier. hang in there ok? Same as you, my husband never bothers helping me to feed my boys. My family / inlaws too.

Some men you need to "instruct" them. Sometimes is not they don't wanna help, they don't know how to(ego) and they tot you can handle everything if you kept mum. Or maybe some men think they bring home the income then all these naturally become our chores. You should speak up and talk about what's making you unhappy to him

Well, that’s life 😊. Men will be men , and unless you tell them openly that you need help, the thought will never occur to them😆. Try talking to your hubby about helping out with the chores, and about how you would like a little me- time now and then, especially while eating 😊. Take care mummy!

VIP Member

so sorry to hear that. i guesz u need to talk to him how u feel abt it. both parents must do equal resposibility. likewise me n my husb, i share with u. i always feed my lo first. i let my husb eat. after done. i will ask him to look after n play. den i start to eat. my lo is comfartable that i feed her

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You’re not being petty. Talk to your husband about taking turns. Sometimes we sit there and hope and hope our husbands can read our minds but they are sooooo blur. Must tell them exactly what we want/need. Don’t let ego get in the way.

VIP Member

Did you talk to your hubby about it? Maybe you have to speak up what you feel. It can help. Sometimes for us we have to instruct our hubby to help out, most times they are not auto. unless your hubby is unwilling to do, but i doubt that.


Sit down with your husband and have a very clear discussion on the division of responsibilities and expectations. He can’t read your mind and it’s better to verbally state what you are wanting and looking for. Good luck!

Lucky my hb very hands on type.. u can try to have a heart to heart talk with your hubby.. tell him all your stress and problems and ask him to help. Try not to get too stress up mummy!

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