When your lo sick, you bring them to polyclinic, family clinic or 小儿科?

I bring to paediatrician (Pd) or u call it 儿科专科. They are able to treat better than family clinic. Of cos pd will be more expensive than family clinics but they r better in treating illnesses. Lesser waiting time too. I personally dun advise u to go Polyclinic as they r not as patient to check patients & not very experience in treating children. I stay at Bukit Panjang and I found out that Bukit Panjang Plaza has a very gd pd which I brought my baby there once. U can ask around for recommendations for pd at your area.
Read moreDepend on what kind of illness as polyclinic medicine is very standard for kids. Usually if fever more than 4-5 days i will go polyclinic as there is a chances for blood test to make sure everything is ok. Prolong cough and flu, usually PD is better because their medicine are different. And they give more medicine too. If u do a comparison. Family clinic make sure they see kids, if not they don’t have much medicine suitable for younger kids.
Read moreI usually bring LO straight to PD because family clinics (GPs) are not always well-equipped to deal with young children. There were times that my parents insisted on bring LO to GP and ended up with medication not even suitable for his age, so we went back to his PD in the end! The PD we go to is relatively nearby, and my son likes the place (doesn't get scared) - and we pay all his visits with CDA and/or CHAS subsidy :)
Read moreI take my boy to the poly clinic for minor illnesses. Otherwise I'll take him to the family clinic and pay using the CDA. There is also a chas card which you can apply. Most of the time if it's just nothing serious, I'll rather go to the family clinic. With the chas card, it's way cheaper and no need to wait so long.
Read moreI will bring to a PD if they are below two years old. When they are younger their immunity is not built up and I feel PD is more well seasoned to spot these things. But if you have a family doc whom you trust and always go to can also bring lo there. Just be careful to ask if the medicine given is safe for babies or not
Read moreDepending on the severity and age of my child. Below 3 i will bring to a PD or A&E dept. Above 3, for common fever and flu, i will bring to a GP will do.
Below 2, usually will go to PD. Worse comes to worst, the medicine given by PD does not work. The alternative option is TCM.
Under 2yo, we would bring to PD. After that, if it is a minor ailment, e.g. cough cold flu, we would go to the GP.
I brought to children's clinic, but first consultation is always very ex. $80-120. I paid $180 in e end
usually is baby clinic. get will faster. play clinic medicine alway take very long time to recover