"Sometimes, real heroes live in the hearts of little children fighting big battles." Children with special needs come into our lives, leaving footprints on our hearts and we are never the same. This December, I'm hosting a party for children with special needs and their parents/caregivers, just to celebrate the superheroes that YOU are! The event is FREE for all guests and everything will be centred around making your child feel comfortable and safe. Children with any and all forms of special needs AND their siblings are welcomed, including but not limited to speech delay, global developmental delay, autism spectrum disorder, sensory processing disorder, ADHD, down syndrome, dyslexia, cerebral palsy etc - as long as your child is: - between 18 months old and 5 years old - able to engage in activities/simple crafts - not afraid of crowds (between 30 to 60 people) - with a parent/caregiver at all times during event Date: 28 December 2019 Time: 11am to 2pm Location: Qiren Organization @ Vision Exchange (5mins walk from Jurong East MRT) I'm also looking for anyone who would like to contribute towards funding this event, it is entirely planned and initiated by myself - for the sole purpose of giving back (this is a private event held in Qiren Organization and NOT affiliated to them in any way). NOTE: This form serves as a way to indicate your interest for the party, more details will be given as soon as I have further confirmation. Final call for anyone who's interested, registration of interest will close on 22nd November, 8pm! http://bit.ly/superpowerparty
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Is your LO born between August 2017 and May 2018? Busy Tables is having a 2-for-1 promotion for their August sensory playgroups! Usual price $70 but now only at $35 :O Sign up now if you're interested, limited slots available! https://www.busytables.sg/products/sensory-playgroup?variant=19921070096480
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I've created a resource bank for learning through play on Google Drive, it's still work-in-progress but there's already some materials uploaded! I'm charging a *one-time fee of $5* for access to the resource bank as I'm creating the content myself - an *invitation link would be sent to your email* upon payment. The resource bank includes: - guides on sensory activities and bins - parenting resources and tips - resources on speech delay - resources on autism spectrum disorder - curated list of play areas, online/retail stores, learning resources etc - rentals of learning resources (coming soon!) Please fill up this form if you'd like access to the resource bank: http://bit.ly/learnplaybank
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I've been scrolling through the feeds and seeing many posts about people sharing their stories, so I'm here to share mine - it's been featured by TheAsianParent before too, but I hope it'll be a good read to take your mind off things that may have happened recently! https://www.dearlittleones.com/single-post/2018/05/21/My-Teen-Pregnancy-Story-Double-Parenthood-at-18
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Introducing Me: Mummy Jena & Gordon
Hey everyone, just thought I should do a self-introduction as my first post here! My name is Jena, I'm 21 years old this year and a single mother to my little prince, Gordon who'll be turning 2 years old this weekend :) You can probably say that I'm a work-from-home mum - I mainly do freelance marketing, content writing and graphic design for income - but I also manage my own parenting blog at www.dearlittleones.com, where I share about our precious moments and parenting tips!
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