LO Sleeping On Tummy
Just wanna ask if ur LO is 7 months sleeping on her tummy do yall flip them back?

If baby’s motor skills are very good and knows how to roll back, and also consistently turns the head to the side nicely, I would leave baby alone, but check regularly to ensure baby’s breathing well
My baby is 5mo. I don't flip him back when he sleep on tummy. They are able lift their neck so should be OK. But do watch out for them
no, as long as no obstruction like blanket or too many pillow, she can find way to breath and make herself comfortable
Yes I would...Unless you're sitting beside your baby when shes sleeping on her tummy
I will not flip her back but I will check on her from time to time.
I wouldn't. I read that the position makes them feel more secure.
Yes after in deep sleep will flip it out
I will flip back when I find out.
Yes sleep on tummy
I just let her be.