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Nurturer of 1 playful little heart throb
Hello mummies! My LO is 1 now. I am trying to do BLW but my mom who takes care of her does not want to do it as she is afraid my LO will get choked. Whenever I try to do BLW she will discourage me saying that my LO will get choked, so big piece she can swallow? So am thinking how can I convince her to allow BLW? Any moms share the same experience? TIA.
Hello! Any food ideas for 9 months old baby? Trying to do BLW.
Rub Eyes
Just wondering if it is normal that my LO will be rubbing her eyes quite often? Need to see a doc for that?
LO Sleeping On Tummy
Just wanna ask if ur LO is 7 months sleeping on her tummy do yall flip them back?
Hello! Any diapers brand to recommend. Baby currently using pee ka poo. But I wanna change to others.