8 Replies

Super Mum

I got a first time helper with no issue so far. For first time helpers you will need to guide them more with daily tasks and how to use modern electronic devices, plus they can become emotional, miss their family etc so need to be supportive and treat them well. Experienced ones are easier since you don't have to guide them so much but either way it really depends on your luck to get a good one you can rely on.

VIP Member

We hired first timer indonesia helper to helpout with my mil with babies n housework. Generally, mil look after bb. Then helper will do housework n grocery when mil go to market. Pros n cons of having first timer.


It is better to get an experienced helper who is familiar with taking care of baby in singapore to help you. This will be less stressful than having a new helper

Experienced maid would be better, especially those who have taken care of infants and toddlers before

VIP Member

Personally I would get someone with some experience (:

Experience maid will be good

Super Mum

Get someone with experience

VIP Member

someone w exp better

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