I bought 6 Dr Brown bottles & the Hegen bottles set before hearing about babies rejecting certain bottle tits. Thankfully my baby is ok with both of it (including direct latch)... I love the Hegen ones particularly because:- 1. Easy to clean 2. Easy to cap on 3.Can use as storage containers once baby takes solid food 4. The cover can be changed and also used as water bottle in the future
Its more trial and error. Hegen bottles are good. Prolly u can get one to try and if ur baby is okay, then u can try get more. However, what is recommended is, if u intend to breastfeed baby, try avoid bottle feeling for the first 4 to 6 weeks to avoid nipple confusion(if u were to direct latch). Then slowly introduce the bottle but pace feeding. U can read up on nipple confusion.
Depends on the baby. If you're lucky your baby can take any bottle then just go for cheapest / most convenient one :). If baby is prone to colic go for bottles with anti-colic feature. If baby rejects the bottle try those teats that mimic real nipples
I bought 6 Philips avent ones at 1 shot before I read that maybe should trial n error! luckily baby didn’t reject them! Been using this brand since!
It’s always trial and error. I fed him using avent and in the end he still prefer Pigeon
Trial and error cos every baby may take different liking to different types of bottle
Try and error! My baby doesn't like Advent but instead prefer Pigeon!
Most of us will trial and error before settling with Philips Avent
Trial and error with pigeon n avent. Final settled with avent
Trial n error n finally settled for Avent