If your Husband is joining his colleagues for Bangkok trip, and haven't tell you about it, tickets and hotel (suite) booked. Will you allow when he mention to you about it? How would you handle it. It's all guys trip.

I will not let him go. NEVER. Obviously they wanna go thr to have "fun". Otherwise why so secretive. And it is an "all guys" trip. Pfft. Married guys are not supposed to have these kindof trips. They have a commitment to you and kid. If they go, one of the friends mite suggest something and all have to follow. And when bad things happened, they will be sorry and say it's jz a "mistake". NO! Dont let him go. Tell him if he still wanna go, he eithr brings you along, EVERYwhr or when he gets home, he won't be seeing you and kid again.
Read moreNo I will not agree to it. It has to be discussed. I'd ask how he'd feel if I've done the same. If he tries to be an a**hole and say he wouldn't mind it at all, I'd be upset and make sure he understands what is expected of in a marriage. Mutual respect, understanding and agreement. Not one sided affair in decision making. Even if it means money lost, Cold War and tantrums throwing, no I still will not agree to it.
Read moreI'd be very upset that he kept it secret from me. But I'd let him go and be a sport about it. I'll just make sure to call, text, email, FB him every day and night so I know he's safe and our kids get to see and talk to him. And I'll give him a list of things to buy because Bangkok has a loooooot of good deals!
Read moreWill be upset if he tell me last min... i will find it out from him..Since he have the intension to leave.. No point holding back coz he already booked everything. So let him go lo. After all they need a trip.And when he is back. I will also leave for a vacation 😀
Wahaha! I like tiz! 😂
I will be upset. But i let still let him go too. I will get him to update me and find out who are the male colleagues that are going with him. everyday check on him. (rather then sound like it's stalking, you say it's more reporting safety)
In general I don't mind but at least can inform me before the booking started so that I can pre empt my child that during those few days Daddy wouldnt be driving him out to play. Not until after everything has booked.
I won’t allow him to go as punishment for informing late. If he insists on going then I will say “don’t expect us to still be here when you’re back from your trip”
I won’t appreciate the fact that he is hiding these things from me. The more suspicious this will make me and I don’t like the lack of trust the entire scenario is making
I would be super pissed! These things must be discussed before he goes ahead and plans the trip. Its an all guys trip to bangkok!!!!! Makes me wonder what they are upto .
Hmm, I will be okay about it lah. At the end of the day I don’t believe in controlling your partner. I trust he knows his boundaries