I want to go back to work after delivering my child, but my mother in laws says I should stay home and take care of my child. I do agree with her that for a certain period of time I should be home with my child but when is an appropriate time to leave my child to go back to work?

I didn't have to go back to work, but I had to go back to school to finish my final year - and that happened when my son was 6-7 months old. Before that, I was a SAHM and just enjoyed spending time with my son - but having to go back to school meant I missed out on a lot of my son's milestones between 6 and 16 months old (my semester ended after internship so it was a little less than a year). If you're not in a rush to get the financial income from your job, I'd say you can just enjoy your time and then decide after - no sugar coating here, it's gonna be tough for the first 3 months at least.
Read moreI went back to work after discharge from hospital . Well for this century many women choose to go work and hardly at home to look after own child because its quite difficult to live with just one income. But if husband had really good income to support then maybe can consider not going out to work. Nowadays MIL thinking might be abit too out dated because during their times , they can survive with just one person but now this century everything is going too fast. If not i suggest you to go back to work after 4 months of maternity leave but it still depends on individual ☺
Read moreIt is best to be able to rest and care for your newborn after delivery. Many parents miss out on the early growing stages. However, there is no right or wrong as to when you can go back. It depends solely on how you feel. The best for you and your LO. On a side note, it would be advisable to go back after 3 months old. That being said, if I had a choice and if there is help I would prefer to return to work only after baby is a year old. I sure wouldn't want to miss out on the early stages. To each it's own, no mom should ever feel bad about it.
Read moreIf $$ is not an issue, be a stay at home mum as you can see your child growing up stage which is very precious. They are only young once. I've never this experience cos until my last child whom have made me realized the importance of seeing them grow up. The joy is truly explainable. You will definitely enjoy this. Having said that, this is a major decision and therefore, please discuss with your husband about it.
Read moreWell, it depends on individuals. Some will stay home for a good 3-4 years while some will go back after maternity leave. It also depends on the financial situation. As for me, I only stayed home after having #4. This wasn't what I want but I was being terminated and thus having difficulty looking for jobs. You need to sit down and discuss with your hubby seriously about this before making any decisions.
Read moreDepend on yourself. Before I give birth I said I wanna go back to work right after ml. But after giving birth I gave up my job after confinment. Money can't buy the time that's spend when baby hitting every milestone. And I intend to send her to school when 2yo that's when I'll go back to work. I guess it depend on individual I never regret making this decision till date cos these period really mean alot.
Read moreThe 1 month confinement is unavoidable. Whereas, you can choose to return to work after your confinement ends or you can utilise your 4 months of maternity leave if you're a Singapore citizen. But what is your concern? Why do you choose to go back to work instead of staying home to look after your child? For me, I'm using 3 months of my maternity leave leaving the 4th month for emergency cases.
Read moreI went back after 3 months. Saved some ML in case baby sick. I think sometimes infant care is definitely doing a better job than me at taking care of her. Got structured prog etc. Its not easy for me to cope with pumping at work, picking her up on time from infant care and meeting deadlines. But I dont want to sacrifice on the income too.
Read moreIt depends on yourself. Agreed that to you should take care of your new born baby during your maternity leave. But you may arrange to take care at night time when you starts to work after finished your maternity leave. If you have proper arrangement, believe that you will not miss out any of their early stage moments.
Read morewell personally i feel 18mths will be the best time..as the kids can start going to.school, learning to be independent while learning how to "socialised"! but of coz at 18mth, kids start to show preference and probably refused school..can try strting from a 3-4hrly kind of school while u adapt to the new routine too!
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