giving birth
Hi i know its a random question here. im 5 months pregnant but im hearing stories that giving birth is really really painful and im really nervous to go through it. anyone can share their experience? thank u.

Hi. I was like you too when i was pregnant. Yes it will be painful afterall you are bringing a life to this world but that’s the beauty of it! I was in thedelivery suite for 24 hours as i wasn’t dilating enough but my active labour was 1/2 an hour. Couldn’t stand the excruciating pain when my contractions came in so i opted for epidural. Once baby was skin to skin with me, i felt so grateful, truly so happy. It was all worth it! Don’t worry abt the pain mommies to be! Please know that there are various options you can choose to relief the pain like laughing gas etc. i took that when my gynae was stitching me up! I felt so high above the clouds. Haha. Enjoy your pregnancy journey and your soon motherhood journey! All the best to all of you mommies to be! We can do this. Our bodies are made for this. ❤️
Read moreI was grateful that my labour was short. It felt like I needed to s*** really badly. Afterwards the exhaustion numbs the pain from the body. I wished and hoped to have that feel good feeling when the baby was skin to mine but i just felt enpowered that ive managed to accomplish an ongoing 9 month challenge of the body and mind. My advice is to eat healthy keep moving read articles that u think will suit your needs whilst pregnant and have the support of loved ones.
Read moreMy 1st one was an emergency C-section, totally unexpected and unprepared. I woke up after the operation feeling unbearable pain like my body had been cut in half! But when i saw my baby it was so worth it... like this was what I waited 9mths for.. although the wound took 3mths to heal:( Not trying to scare you but when the time comes, just handle the pain and ur fears accordingly.. just pray for a healthy and normal baby (don't think abt the pain for now!)
Read moreIt depends on individual. I didnt feel any labour pain coz my doctor gave me epidural when I was 3cm dilated and that time I still didnt feel any pain. Just take it as a challenge or a game. I just think of the steps that I feel will be a bit challenging (like injecting of epidural, pushing and stitching) and after I completed one, I feel that I level up and i prepare myself to the next challenge.
Read moreEveryone say labor is painful. However I try not think about it. When you see you baby, everything is worth it. I am 38weeks here. I am worry about labor pain but I keep thinking of meeting my baby. Don't want to stress myself too much until the pain/ tear or whatever obstacles come later.
I had a natural birth without epidural. Personally, i find the contractions the most painful of all. I think its all in the mind. I always tell myself that generations of women had gone thru this, so could i.
SAME!!! My EDD was like on early March and I can't stop watching Labor videos. I want to opt for normal delivery without any medication because I want to feel how my mom felt giving birth to me. 😊
i get induced for my first baby and its so painful, but just breath in and breath out. lucky its not so long till i give birth to her, and then the pain is gone. :)
Painful... After birth I told myself one is enough unless I forget the pain. But think of your arrival baby don't think too much bad for you if you think too much.
It's really painful. Unbearable. But somehow after baby comes out, u will feel like having another one.
Gamer Mommy!