Giving birth experience
How does labor feels like? Everyone told me its painful but worth it the moment u see ur baby. But how pain it is? How nervous are u?

Contractions are maybe about 20x as painful as normal period cramps. I feel it’s still bearable when it’s once every 10 minutes, but when it’s once every 2-3 minutes, it’s really really painful. It’s like something squeezing your belly so tightly that you’re paralysed for a moment. I could also feel my water bag bulging in my pelvis during the contraction, like squeezing a water bomb.. and knew exactly when it was going to burst.. which it did. Then when it did, I felt the head right there and a great urge to push. But it was really uncomfortable because the whole cervix and vagina need to stretch. So I could feel like a tearing/stretching pain down there, while the crazy contraction pain was still ongoing. But the severe pain made me push harder. Lol. Thank God baby came out quickly 😅 And after that.. instant pain relief. Heh. And a lot of joy.
Read moreTo me, the pain at the initial start is like menses cramp then slowly intensifying. After the water bag burst, it hurts like crazy (induced). I tried to tolerate and took epidural when dilation is at 7cm. Tbh, I did not feel anything towards my baby when she is out. I was very tired, and all the side effects of epidural hits me (giddiness, cold shivers and vomiting). When she is home after discharge, that is when I felt like it is worth it as I am bringing a mini me going home w me (she looks exactly like my baby time).
Read moreNervous, not at all. I was excited, for me it’s okay cause I have high pain tolerance. I don’t feel much contraction although the doctor told me my contraction was very high... I just feel more tired than pain thou... tired of pushing, that’s all.
Well... I have 8 tattoos... I will take a tattoo over labor and childbirth pains any day!! My fiancé also was freaking out and crying because I was in so much pain he wasn't too sure what to do But yes in the end it is worth it.
yes its very painful, i had mine without any pain relief. but seriously, after you see your baby, you forgot bout the pain straight away. i mean, thats how i feel hahaha
The contractions really hurts and come in waves. Worse than menstrual cramps for sure. I was nervous too as I wanted a natural delivery and opted for epidural.
Extremely painful. Started off achy like menses cramp. Den itl get stronger n hurts more. But i took epidural so my labour was a breeze after that lol
Giving birth is still can tahan, but the scariest is after birth ( the confinement period)
With epidural not painful. Just the pushing is difficult (to me)
I had unplanned csec but the whole labour aftermath was awful