14 Replies

VIP Member

I understand your fear or disappointment of getting a negative test, just like how I used to be. There were numerous disappointments until I didn't want to test when I'm just late for a few days. Adjust your mood. Tell yourself it's ok if it not a positive, you will try again. Then get it tested. When I took my test, I was about 4-5 days late. I told myself to just test it with a open mind, if it's negative, keep trying! Then wa la! After 2 years, finally a positive. MY experience, don't depend on ovulation dates. I did that for months and it failed me. My pregnancy happened when we tried around ovulation and "after" ovulation. Means, don't just do it for the sake of baby. Just do it! Haha


Most probably should be positive. Me too had red spotting and thought menses was coming. Sperms are able to live in our body for 3-5days so 2 days before ovulation is possible. I went to a clinic to check when I had abdominal pain and menses was late for 4days and it turned out to be positive. Good luck to u!

thanks sis. hoping it turns positive 🙏🏻🙏🏻

VIP Member

I miss my menses for only a day and i do a urine test cause my instinct says im pregnant.. and YES im pregnant!! Hehehe .. u can either wait few more days or u can just buy pregnancy kit and test out ? Dont need expensive kit at first.. just buy one at guardian or watson for $8 inside got 2 small kit..

Wish u the best! Dont give up ! ♥️

Spotting can be an early sign of pregnancy. It happens for me. Same like you, I thought my period was coming but it was implantation bleeding. You might want to do a test :) All the best!

ohhh 🙏🏻🙏🏻 hoping

VIP Member

Don’t think too much .. becoz u r expecting may b u r sensitive for everything .. just wait for few more days n do test .... anyways good luck

yeah. thanks dear

Wait for like a week atleast before you try to take a pregnancy test

Wait for few more days then try to test if mens still didnt come.

thank you 😊

VIP Member

wait for a wk like that then take the test kit and test

Best way to know? Use a pregnancy test kit la

yes thats the next plan. thanks


Best to check with the pregnancy kit

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