16 Replies

Hi , I know how you feel . I am a divorce Mom too. And my ex husband used to treat me this way too ... but life move on ... maybe u can talk things out with him ? Everything sure have a way to solve it .. don't put inside your heart , tell him how u feel ... If he really don't give a damn, I know is hurt but u really have to think a way! Loves 💕tc

life goes on mummy. i was once in your shoe when i'm only 22 tat time. given birth and yet husband went out and play till nv come home too. very hard to let go esp we do have kids but still i leave him for gd. i'm not someone who hold on becox of kids as i wun be happy in e end. Jiayou mummy. be strong for ur son.

I always believe in the law of karma. someday, they will face their own karma. Let go of that man, let go of that relationship. It's not worth holding on. you deserve someone better.

Mummy if you need to vent we are always here. I hope you feel better soon. This must be really tough and hard for you. Stay strong!

VIP Member

Cheaters are no good :( sorry to hear this. Better find a better proper man that care for you

Free your heart from the pain, walk away from this man. i’m sorry to hear this

Let him go and set yourself free. Indifference is the opposite of love!

VIP Member

Hope this will be over for you. Move on to better things for yourself.

This is pointless and one sided. Move on, you deserve better!

VIP Member

Then its time for you to have ur fun now. With another man