Hey Mummy I seriously need advice and your iputs. My husband has a mistress. And is his colleague. Both of them are Police Officers. Married with my Husband coming 2 years. I have 15 month old lo. My husband is not coming home almost a month. I talk to my family n in law abt the situation. My in law ask me wat i am going to do. Whether to accept or divource. Coz the thing now is he is avoiding all sms n call from all of us. He doesnt want to come infront of us. I have made up my mind to get separation. But the thing is how to talk to him n get him to sign. Now our house is only 1 yr old that we bought from resale. I sms or call. He is not interested. I m seriously devasted. I really dont know wat to do. His parents also feel so sad n discusted.

Have you observed him deleting some messages or putting the password on his phone so as you don't have access to it? Has he been experiencing very irritating mood swings every time he comes home? If so, then it's an indication that he must be doing something that is potentially dangerous or he might be cheating on you. If you want to free yourself from doubt without causing chaos in the house, then track his activities....... With help of HACKMART242@GMAIL. COM I was able to monitor my kids and spy on my partner phone without them knowing. If you feel your spouse is texting or seeing another woman or man and you can quite get a real evidence to clear those doubts and know where you stand in the relationship. WWW. HACKMART. ORG
Read moreThis is my advice to anyone who wants to hack a phone, do not pay for spy apps if you don’t have access to the phone. I wish I knew this sooner, I would not have spent so much on different spy apps. It took sometime before I finally found a way to hack my husband’s phone without having access to it. I mentioned my fears and insecurities to a friend and she recommended hackmart to me, This hacker provided a service that allows me to monitor his calls and conversations. I haven’t decided on what to do yet. I don’t think I can continue in this marriage. He is cheating on me. contact him here for help, via, [email protected]. (Www. hackmart. org)
Read moreHi mummy. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. It’s not right. Since you’ve made up your mind I think it’s best to put yourself and your lo first. It was very admirable of you to speak to your in laws as well. The best is to consult a lawyer and seek help from mp/msf/pi regarding this and make sure you and your lo have a roof over your head. It’s a hard pill to swallow and I respect you so much for being strong for yourself and your lo. You can get through this, you’re a strong mummy! Jiayou!
Read moreThe house did u both actually pay half half? If yes, ask him to pay u his share.. so the house becomes yours bcs he cheated on u. The house is for both of u and ur Lo, now he suddenly not in the picture and dont want u anymore, so.. he got a price to pay lah.. he can go off with the new girl but he should settle the house with u first. I got a girlfriend same situation as u, ended up her ex husband paid for the portion and let the house be kept by my girlfriend
Read moreHey mummy. Sorry that you have to go thru this. My ex husband cheated too. And I had to bite the bullet and demand for a separation. He was so into that woman till he neglected my LO. I knew that was the last straw for me. Get an PI, collect evidence of him cheating, and then sue him. I paid a total of $40k for the entire process. But I managed to get financial aid from msf to help me with it.
Read moreHave been suspecting my husband for months but all my efforts to get an evidence was aborted ..so I decided to come on this site for help and I saw a recommendation about after contacting [email protected] them I was able to get some evidence in less than 24hrs and also catch him red handed.

I would like to take this opportunity to say that i'm delighted with their cloning service, delivery and features. Very fast and reliable, Plus a personalized thank you message from the owner impressed me so much. Brilliant business, I'll come again. Www. hackmart.org ([email protected])
Just drop him a message, simply write "will send him a letter from lawyer for adultery case or u will post him n his mistress photos online. See he will reply or not. Dont be afraid just because he is a police. So what?! He is wrong at first. Jiayou! U r not alone!
Separation is a cheap alternative for him. If possible, gather evidence that proves his infidelity. Keeping the letter box key is not to your advantage. https://sg.theasianparent.com/womens-charter/web-view
Collect evidences and file for divorce. Like what others suggested, if he does nasty things to you, post online and tag his workplace and colleagues. Protect yourself.