Type of Maternal Milk
Hi, Morning everyone. I'm 6 weeks pregnant (first pregnancy) . Which one maternal milk that is suitable for me and my baby ?

here's my testimony. i drink frisomum beacuse its not too sweet and does not have a thick milky taste to it.it smells good too. i think like at 25weeks i gain 2kg in 2weeks.i was supposed to only gain 500g a month.so i had to take air gula to see if i have diabetes. the result came and i was not having diabetes so i just resume my normal eating habit. i think around 28weeks i gain 6kg in 1month.again only 500g a month was allowed and i had to take another air gula. the result was negative. they were confuse and worried why i gain so much so i told them my eating habit and said i drink frisomum and thats when they say its the cause. i was refered to dr after that and she told me that even it said no added sugar but there is still traces of sugar like fructose and sucrose which make baby big and we gain weight.thank god my baby wasnt affected and i didnt have diabetes. she advice to drink fresh milk. i took yogurt instead but not always because its expensive and its only 1 or 2 spoons a day or every other day.it helps decrease my vaginal discharge.yogurt also contains sugar so dont take so much.i take greek yogurt. so to answer ur question regarding whats best. according to what i gone thru and get advice from dr, best fresh milk or greek yogurt. fresh milk best u drink h&l milk. but that one is low fat milk and its suitable for lactose intolerant person. if u happen to drink like goodday or dutch lady and have diarrhoea then i suggest u drink h&l milk.these milk need to be drink within 3days after opening if u buy the big carton.or u can buy the small one so easier for u. another advice i want to give u is, when u take ur iron tablet,gap it at least 2hours from ur milk.because calcium and iron repels each other.eat ur iron tablets on empty stomach.follow these advice and u wont have low hb.hope this helps❤ 😪sorry for the karangan yah...😅
Baca lagidepends. kena try dulu.kalau boleh dptkan sample.register online akan dapat dalam masa 4minggu mcm tu.sebab kekadang susu tak ngam. but from experience,better fresh milk.sebab maternal milk boleh bagi berat badan naik mendadak,baby besar,diabetes and banyak lagi.my dr pun bagi advice to drink fresh milk. kalau u minum fresh milk then diarrhoea maybe u lactose intolerant. susu h&l bagus untuk lactose intolerant people.
Baca lagisy ada hb rendah, sebelum minom fresh milk tp mcm nurse suruh tukar cari susu ibu mengandung. then i try similac mom yg plain saja. syukur selepas amalkan susu similac hb sy naik. sebelum beli better baca label pd susu. so kte tau apa yg kte minom n supply pd baby. nurse tak saran ambil anmum sbb kandungan gula tinggi katanya.
Baca lagiI minum Anmun Materna smpi 3rd trimester. Anmum Materna ada yg version kurang manis jugak. Takde pulak kena GDM. GDM ni bukan solely 'salah' susu ibu mengandung je rasanya. Kena tgk gak family history kita, pemakanan kita masa preggy. Tp i minum sehari sekali jelah. Tak lalu nak telan susu dua kali sehari.
Baca lagiEnfamama Hi paistorbo po saglit 😄 pahingi naman po ako ng konting minuto mo kung ok lang po. ☺️ Palike naman po salamat God Bless! Giveaway Contest 💙❤️ https://community.theasianparent.com/booth/160226?d=android&ct=b&share=true Sana mapansin 😅😁✨
Baca lagiI made a comparison with other brands which is i find that similac mom&breastfeeding mom having the most lowest percent of sugar among other brands. Perhaps you can make a comparison to all those brands!
Saya minum HL sbb dia ada folic acid( bole baca pada label susu) dan kadang2 susu farm Fresh kurma..sampai anak nak masuk 3 mmg xpernah minum meternal milk..doc kata asalkan kita minum susu pun dah ok..
mesti minum susu kotak. nurse bgtau sy, jgn minum susu serbuk sbb dia manis wlaupun dia tulis tnpe gule or kurg gule. jd skrg sy minum susu kotak dutch lady full cream.
Bagi saya anmum xrasa manis pun sbb saya ambil tnpa tbah gula...lgpn result MGTT dua2 kli ok.....plg tinggi lepas minum air gula pun setakat 4.3 je...
Tak minum maternal milk pun tak pe..janji mesti minum susu..saya minum susu HL atau farm fresh milk je sepanjang pregnant..
Sy pun minum yg ada kurma tu
Excited to become a mum