11 Replies

Hello yes. It's normal, how old is ur LO? Usually around 3-4 yo they have imaginary friends. Don't worry they will grow out of it. Haha I got friend's Daughter always say there's a big Jie Jie with a little boy in her room at night n they always communicate. She even said they sing this song n she even hum the tube to us. She can point out where they sit/ stand in her room n what clothes they wore. I know I sounds scary. Hahah but I think it's normal. To add on I was chit chatting w my gf n told her this story my gf said she remembered she had an imaginary Friend when she was much younger. After that the imaginary Friend "disappear". But one thing I'm quite surprised is ur LO knows what suicide is?

Ya... I had similar encounter before with my child when he was 3 years old... we were alone on LRT platform when my child started waving and say hello to a blank corner... so i asked who was it... my child replied that there is an uncle waving and i got a shock... after a while i checked with my child if the uncle is still there and my child replied he has gone away... *phew*... from then I got an amulet for him just in case... didn't happened when my child grow older now... i asked around and most of them say is common for young kids as they are very innocent... :)


sounds scary.. few months back my boy (2.5yo) also pointed at the door and tell me "uncle is here" i dont see any uncle, only both of us at home.. the "uncle" came 2 Sunday morning.. after that i bring him to the temple to ask and the person told us its nothing to worry, just ancestor came to visit their grandchildren. At that moment when he tell me "uncle is here" i do not have any scare feeling so i assume its not something harmful...

No! When we heard of the lady who committed suicide it was at my lift lobby. I live on the highest floor. We were at Giant, so how could it be that he saw? Moreover i only knew about it as my neighbour messaged me and told me about it. So there was no way he would have known. I never asked him how he knew, he is 3 years old.

Oh ... Thats weird.. Yes sometime kids might see "something " we dont see ...

He only pointed to where the lady jumped from and asked me mama why the auntie jump down. then i said where, he pointed and said there. the exact spot. that freaked me out. last night he said the witch hasn't come yet. i kept quiet.

Sometimes I was thinking should we even ask about those (imaginary) people? I was thinking the more we ask the more LO wants t create stories the more we encourage them to "visualise"?

VIP Member

Maybe your child is someone who is able to 'see' things. Yes it does sound scary and weird. Do you or your husband go to temple? Best to bring your child there to pray for a peace of heart. Moreover now Qing Ming,

If your kid can see things , and the things are not harming him , can just let it be ( this was advice I heard , not dispensed to me personally ) Can get an amulet or equivalent for your religion / if any

No we don't go to the temple. This morning he told me.again the witch is there and pointed. Not the cat but the window. as my cat was sitting on the table, so he was like saying, not this but that.

Did he mention anything about the witch harming him or harming anyone?

VIP Member

OMG.. so those places he pointed , really had people die before ? And if you didnt tell him and did you ask him how he know or did he see it with his own eyes?

Too many coincidence. Moreover I'm not someone who believes in such superstition.

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