Do you think its too early for my 2 year old son (turning 3 this September) to go to school already? He doesnt have much friends in the neighborhood because both me and my husband works and he just usually stays inside our house with my parents during daytime. Because of this, I want him to be enrolled in school for him to have social interaction with other children. Thanks!

I feel it's early. If he goes for a couple of hours, it's ok. But not for full day or most part of the day. I feel that there's no replacement for parents and grandparents. Pls remember that grandparents are the best wealth of information for ur son. What he will learn from them, will never be taught in any school or university in this world. Plus your child learns the best thing in this world and that is... unconditional love and zero competition...let him enjoy these years. Once he's old enough for school he will learn Everything needed as we all learn through phases in life...for eg. We're you taught in any school how to be a mother? But when the time came, this phase taught you so many things you didn't know you had it in you. So the same is with your kid
Read moreBecause i don't have time and don't know how to teach her, i decided to put her in childcare since she is 18 months. Pros: - She has many friends, that liked or loved her. - She start to talk, learn how to write, draw sing. etc. - She learn many things like how to keep her toys, different shapes etc. - Discipline from school make me easier to discipline her at home too. - She is more independent and social unlike before she go school. Cons: - May fall sick easily but if you see, some kids don't fall sick easily.. So guess different kid different immune too. - May injured like fall down during playing playground etc.
Read moremy kids started at the age of 2 n half and both did really well. of course initially they were not too excited and did cry a bit, but that was just for a few weeks. soon they started looking forward to meeting their friends in school and it was super fun :) mixing with children their own age helps them learn a lot, more than what we as parents can teach them on a regular basis. i think you should go for it.
Read moreMost mummies are sending their child to school at 3. It is the age where they absorb the most. So if they are sent early to school, they will learn to be much more independent. My boy was taught to use the toilet and go without diapers when he is two. It will be a great exposure to them as well. It will be harder to send them to school when they are 4 or 5. There will be more tantrums.
Read moreI think the age is okay to go for pre school. Going to school can improve the child social skills and at the same time, the child can learn new things in school. I sent my youngest to school when he is 31 months. Intial few months he keep on crying because too attached to me. At least after sendinf him to school, I noticed he is more independent.
Read moreHonestly, for me personally that is too early. If you're concerned with his social interaction needs, he gets this from your family. He first learns how to communicate and interact with others through your family. You don't have to send him to school for that to be learned. But that's just me and how we're doing it with our kids. :-)
Read moreI put my daughter in infant care since she's 4mths, partially due to lack of day care support, but we have absolutely no regrets. She is 3.5yo now and is very comfortable with her surroundings. We note she is also confident speaking to people, and absolutely loves her friends and teachers in school.
Read moreMy daughter was in full day childcare since she was 22 months . Her social and language skills improved tremendously and everyday I will see her learning and picking up new things like learning to wear and take out her shoes :) good to send them early . She became quite independent too:)
Yeah totally agree with the Mummies about the falling sick phrase . CC has many different viruses & all are very strong for toddler . Ever since she started CC in January , my girl fell sick every month , sometimes twice a month . And it's always cough , so difficult to recover
got pro & con. but the most scary part is stdby for them to fall sick frequently specially the first 6 months. after this bad experience when i sent my gal when she is 17 months n end up we stop after 4 months n wait till she was 3 years old n we resend her back to nursery1.