Depressed Momma
Its been 14 months since i gave birth and ive put on a lot of weight. i did in fact lose a lot of weight right after birth but was unable to control my junk food and sweet drinks intake to get me thru the day. i feel so depressed looking at myself now. i feel like a loser because i just recently tried home exercises but it seems to be failing because I need to juggle carrying for my child who wants me all the time. i also cant seem to find time after work to do it because i feel so exhausted and i still have so many things to do(housework,cooking etc) How do you mummies juggle the new being a first time mummy yet still look so good and healthy?

Hey there, i may not not be close to you and I may be a perfect stranger but I felt that I had to reach out to you. First you need to know not everyone has EVERYTHING together. It’s just that no one tells you if they’re crying in the bathroom while their tot is having a fit in the loving room and they don’t tell you when they’ve gone bat
@t crazy on their children when they just didn’t listen. Second, it takes time. You need to love yourself first. You need to know that our bodies go through a lot of changes during pregnancy and childbirth and even post partum - bringing another little human being into this world is no mean feat but you did it and for that, you deserve all the love and blessings that you can give yourself. Be an inner coach instead of an inner critic - be gentle with yourself. Take baby steps and set do-able targets. If you don’t make it the first time, tell yourself, I’ll try again tomorrow. When you manage to work out 2 days in a row, tell yourself, I am a champ. It’s a busy period, but if you do intense exercises for 20-30min with your baby, every other day, it’ll do. Changes may be slow but the first thing you need to regain is your strength. Being healthy and fit for yourself and your family is more important. I have done what you’re doing twice and I’m into my third time postpartum. Mothers are out there who are facing the same thing as you. Again, remember to love yourself. Also, remember, LIFE LOVES YOU. If it didn’t, all the blessings that you’ve received (sit down and count them when you have the time) wouldn’t have happened. Sending all my love to you. Read moreWelcome to the world of motherhood :) Don't fret, this is normal. As we feel the tasks weighing on our shoulder, we just can't resist the temptation to find something sweet to help us carry out the day's never-ending work. Firstly, take a deep breathe and tell yourself "Today is a fabulous day!". Enjoy the moments bonding with your child, play some soft music in the background to lift your mood. As you go through the daily housework, talk to your child and tell him what you're doing. Get him to pretend to do what you're doing [sweeping, vacuuming, putting laundry into washer, folding clothes etc]. When he rests, give yourself a short break and rest too. To exercise, you can put the child in a stroller and bring him out for walks in the nearby garden or playground. Such bonding time is precious! Who knows, you might befriend another mother living in the neighbourhood and you can meet up occasionally for walks and chats. Remember, you are a wonderful mum! All the best :)
Read moreHello mummy, we have all felt the same way after giving birth. Being a new mum is super exhausting, and all you want to do is sleep! Try not to be too hard on yourself, and as much as we try, we might not be able to do everything by ourselves. So if housework /cooking is taking up a lot of time, how about getting a maid/part-time help? That should give you some much needed rest, and time on focus on your little one, or on yourself. Occasionally, it's okay to ask for help from friends/family members to look after your baby, so you can have some me time. Lastly, you are not a loser. You just gave birth to a little human being :) Keep up with your little exercise routines, and I'm sure you'll start feeling better and healthier soon!
Read moreYou are doing a great job!! Juggling between being a mom, wife and working woman!! Look on the bright side! Your kid loves you!! That's the reason for your kid to hang around you. You can ask your little trooper to come along with you while you do some housechores. I get my son to help me carry simple things into the area that I need to be. When I am preparing food, my little trooper is drawing in the kitchen. I will constantly ask him questions and talk to him to keep him entertain. Get someone to help with lightening some load ! FAMILY! It takes a village to raise a kid. Hang in there!! Everything is gonna be fine. You can do it!!
Read moreI think you have to do this thinking it's more for your overall health than just looking good. I think that's where depression easily sneaks in when we base our actions on physical results because when we dont see it, we feel like it's not working. Start small, start when and where you're comfortable. and then build phase. The key with anything is sticking to it as a habit. So make sure when you do start, you do it at a phase that you dont push it until you hate yourself for doing it. :)
Read moreits a very emotionally challenging time for any mum. if you are still breast feeding, suggest you drink a lot of hydrating fluids but cut down on junk diet. taking care of a child is also a very good way to exercise because there is so much physical work and stamina needed to take care for them. hence i would suggest you start by cutting on your junk diet and you may see a change. take lots of hydrating fluids. protein bars may also help if you dont find time to cook.
Read moreHugs, mummy! I think you should strive for being fit and strong, not being thin. So I commend you for trying to exercise. Do keep it up, mum! Maybe just think about your child - and how it would benefit your child to have a fit and strong mum. Maybe use that as motivation. But aside from this, physical beauty is nothing compared to the total love and care you provide for your child. And that is the true beauty that shines, in my book ;)
Read moreYou're doing a great job so keep going! Remember to not be so hard on yourself. Maybe take a few hours if you can to do things that would make you feel good like getting a haircut or a massage even just catching up with a close friend. I understand things are challenging but you are doing a great job so you also need to commend yourself for that =)
Read moreFirst of all, you are NOT a loser! Just look at the load you are managing. Having a full-time job and being a new mother is not easy. Give yourself a break. You are doing the best you can. If losing weight is important to you, why not reach out to mums here who may live in your neighbourhood? Maybe you can start a walking group. Just a thought.
Read moreJoin a community where you find support and like minded mummies to share about anything. Most of us have gone through what you are going through as our kids are in Primary- Poly so we get tips from each other in parenting