Unable to juggle
I'm a work-from-home mum and I have 2 daughters. Of late, I feel like I'm unable to manage it all...finishing my work, cooking, keeping the house clean, taking care of my kids' studies...I feel very depressed...both my husband and I don't want to keep a maid. What should I do?

Hey super mom, don't fret! How old are your girls? Not sure if they can help you with some chores? You can try to involve them to help in the housework like keeping their tables and bed tidy, taking the clothes out from the washine machine and putting it on the hangers, vacuuming n mopping the floor. Let them take turns to help during the hour, so when one child is helping with the chores, you can guide the other in her studies and vice versa. Or when you are cooking, you can get the older girl to guide the younger one. Do up a reward chart to see who is the winner of Most Helpful Hero for that week etc. Get them to think about different awards and make it fun for all. When feeling tired or down, put dome light music in the background as you go about with your chores. Spread out your to-do tasks over the week, so not all of them have to be completed same day. Gradually you will be able to manage your tasks with ease :)
Read moreLike what anonymous shared, there are part-time/adhoc helpers that can help you do the household chores like sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning toilets, ironing, changing of bedsheets, cleaning kids toys etc. They generally charge $10-15/hr! What I'd have to warn though is to make sure you don't get any domestic helpers to do adhoc because they are not allowed to do so on their off days etc. You might also want to look for a regular one who can come in every week/two weeks so you don't have to keep training/explaining what to do all the time :) Other than that, I'd say to just take it easy because it's tough! I'm a work-from-home/freelance mum too so it isn't easy juggling home and work. All the best mummy, you're doing great!
Read moreShare the chores with your husband. Also, a part time maid is a good alternative to full time stay in maid. You also need to have an off time to balance your life. There are no super mommys. We all need a break to recharge.
Maybe discuss with your husband how to manage this. Maybe he can help share some of the load—it gets lighter when shared. And sometimes just knowing there's support available is helpful enough.
Even working I’m also struggling with all these issues. Most importantly is husband must help out also else u will feel depressed and quarrel if u don’t want to hire maid.
What about daycare? Is that an option? So while you work at home at least you don’t have to worry about the kids.
*hugs. do consider a maid seriously to help. it is not easy. how about part time helper on weekendz?
Has your Husband thought about helping you at all?
you can get part timer to help
Ask your hubby to help sometimes