6 week scan
My 6 weeks scan only see sac from my eyes.. but doctor did not say anything and ask me to come again on my 11 week..should I feel worry? Dont know why Im so stucked with blighted ovum pregnancy in my head. Should i keep calm and go scan at 11 weeks, or should I go for another scan next week? Plus how 6 weeks scan suppose to look? Mine dont have smaller dot inside the seen sac.

mummy think positive ya. dont think about blighted ovum sangat. try to talk to the baby. sometimes baby lambat membesar. and pray hard everything will work out. nnt 11 weeks pegi check lagi. my friend pegi check waktu 8 weeks tapi kandungan dia 5 weeks. alhamdullilah waktu 10 weeks check baby dah catch up. just pray and be positive okay.
Baca lagiHi... I experience the same like you, first time checking doc says it's week 6 and we only able to see the sac (little sac) and doctor congrats us and ask to come on the 9 week, and Alhamdulillah on week 9 we can see the baby and heard the heart beat. Be positive and keep praying, belive your self and the baby ♥️
Baca lagiI would suggest you to either to go to another doctor, as sometimes the baby is hiding or the technic of the scan is not good due to the impatience of the doctor to search thoroughly... if you are in Penang, please go to Dr. Aw Linda in Lam wah ee. She is very good in scanning.
Sy Pun Bgtu.. Doktor sruh dtg Pada masa 10week.. Masa tu bru 6minggu.. 😊😊..cuma, kita Jaga ja Kesihtan kita.. Mkan makanan yg sihat.. 😇😇
If it would make u feel any better. This is my boy at 7week.now he is 1month old. Dont worry if dr no comment it probably is fine.

Dr did scan at 11weeks and saw baby with heartbeat. Just dont stress urself yah. Congrats on bring pregnant. May ur pregnancy and soon delivery be smooth.❤
Kita sama la.. Risau kan.. Tp mcm yg len ckp.. Juz doa baik2.. Esk nak scan lagi.. Hope ade prkmbgan yg baik
Alhamdulillah sy baru ja scan td.. 9 minggu.. Alhamdulillah nmpk dh.. Nmpk jntung bby dupdap lg😁
Good to hear..harap2 pregnancy ni baik2 saya n bby n mommy sihat...lepas raya baru I nak scan ...
Mine 6 weeks no dot also. 8 weeks only got.
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