My wife and I had to abort out 3mo unborn child due to complications. Now my wife is very upset with me and I don't know what to do. How do I console her?

See marriage counselor. Take her to the ob/gyn and reason with her. Pls understand that as soon as conception takes place, a woman's body is geared up for giving it's best for preservation of the unborn baby. There r physiological changes, where a woman feels the unborn as a part of her being. The bond gets created even before the baby starts to take shape. The brain sends out multiple commands to the entire body to care for, protect, feed, nourish and cherish the unborn baby. Your wife is upset bcoz deep inside the connection is still very strong. She can't accept the fact that something so fragile and precious can cause complications to her. She feels that she was to protect the baby and instead she had to abort. However today's world tries to justify abortion, it's still unacceptable on a conscience level. Empathize with her. Listen to her. let her shout at u, cry with u. Give her time. She will overcome it.
Read moreAs you have to take the decision because of complications, your wife should not be getting upset with you. Losing a baby causes a big lacuna in a woman's life not only physically but psychologically too. A little life was growing inside her and she must have weaved plans of the kid coming into her life and now when it didn't happen, she must be depressed. I think you should give her sometime to accept things. She must not be angry with you but with the whole situation. Since, you are the husband, and the only person who was so closely related to the pain she is going through, you are the only one she can take out her anger and frustration on. Deep within she knows you took the decision because you love her and want her to be in your life. Please be by her side and give her immense love and care so that she moves and forgets everything and looks forward to a new start.
Read moreIf the complications is due to the health of your wife, it’s understandable. However, aborting a child should be a couple’s decision and not solely your decision to impose. If this was not achieved, the repercussion is definitely not going to be a long term positive relationship with each other. The both of you will have a lot of mental struggles that had beget from all these. You will need to work harder to win back her assurance and relook if the both are ready to be parents. If natural conception is not workable, the other option will adoption. There’s a lot of babies out there who are waiting eagerly to be adopted. You and your wife will be the best doctor to diagnose the whole situation. Go seek a good family counsellor for help as this is a matter of the heart and you both wish to build a stable and strong family together. :)
Read moreAbortion is up to God. if a baby is not growing well, it will naturally abort itself. If baby's condition is not viable after birth, he will pass away. Letting God naturally take away the baby will help you go through the sadness with no regrets. But deciding on your own to abort your baby will cause some remorse and regret leading to depression. Together ask God for forgiveness for choosing to end a life that is now causing you regrets. Receive forgiveness together from God. Then be there for your wife and guide her into light and Truth.
Read moreYour wife is going through depression. Losing a child is a big blow for any woman. Its a big blow for you as well. You both need to talk it out. Ask your wife why is she upset with you? You were not responsible for the abortion. You both need to seek the help of a counselor to get out of this depression and loss.
Read moreLosing a children is a big blow to both parents but especially to her. Don't talk much. just be there for her mentally and physically. Probably avoid places that sell baby stuffs and places filled w babies to not trigger her emotions
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I am sorry to hear it. She needs your support. The easiest way to console her is just to be with her. Support her. Be there for her. She will appreciate it :)
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Just give her space and time to grieve. And you should give yourself a time out as well :)
She is definitely very upset and depressed. Endure and always be there for her. Don’t give up! And you too must stay strong!