What can I do to get my spouse to appreciate me as a stay-at-home mum?

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Let him have a read at this post from a stay-at-home-dad: http://www.daddyfishkins.com/apology-stay-at-home-moms/ Most of the time, we take for granted how complicated it is to actually run a household. We also tend to focus on ourselves and forgot to take a step back to appreciate the contributions of our other halves. At times, it could simply be a case of not knowing how to show our appreciation. Take some time out and have a date night! Have a real conversation during the meal and share with each other the stresses and problems you have each encountered (for him – at work; for you- at home). Take this opportunity to appreciate the effort and hard work that both of you have been putting into your lives together as a family. Cultivate mutual respect for each other’s contributions. We all like to being validated for the work we have done and nothing beats having it come from the one who truly matters.

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I do not think there is anything more that you can or should do to make him appreciate you being a SAHM. If he cannot already remember all the time and appreciate what you do, then why put more efforts. Majority of men have bad memory, a default 'take for granted attitude' so leave it at that. Sometimes, as someone here shared that making him read an article about SAHM would remind them how much and how well you manage things. And that evening may be a dinner date or an appreciative evening for you. ;)

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I think, first of all, you should be asking: "How do you feel about being a stay-at-home mum?" You should feel fulfilled with your status, and hubby should be supportive of it. He better appreciate you for being a SAHM since you're making sure you personally take care of your home and the family! That takes a lot of focus and love - and you deserve love and focus from hubby in return.

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You know what? You should let him take care of the baby for one entire day while you have your own day out. That'll make him appreciate what you do over an entire day. There are some men who come home from work, tired, and assume that "all" the wives do is "cook, clean and take care of the baby".

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8y ago

I second this. There is once my hubby scolded me for not doing my part in cleaning the house as both my kids were sick. I left the house and the two kids to him to take care for a day. After that, he love me to bit especially when he come back to a clean home, hot meal for dinner and clean clothes. Now, when my Mother-in-law scold me or said I wasting my hubby's money while I am not "working" he will stand up for me. :-)

Don't let him take you for granted. If he doesn't realize your worth, make him realize that by stating what all you do daily. Ask him to step in your shoes only for a day and then realize that housework and running a house smoothly is so tough.

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Take the weekends off and spend time with your girl friends away from home. Switch your phone off and let your spouse handle your little one by himself. He'll love you more once you're back home :)

Well... Tell him you want an off day and you'll have an appreciative hubby! That's what I do from time to time to remind him. Of course I know that he has his exhaustion and stress too.

One day just don't do the regular stuff that you do on a daily basis. Let him come home to a messy house, no dinner and dirty kids!!!