HB gentting low
hi uols. i dont know what happen tu my hb reading, poor my baby T_T... last month my hb reading was 11.3, then last 3 weeks it was drop until 9.8 TT_TT.... and yesterday it drop again became 8.3... e/day i eat vitamin, drink mineral water more than usual.. anyone have idea to overcome hb problem?

Me too! So sad when buat check up my hb reading is 10.8 So nurse gave me zincofer which I can't take it before 2 hours before breakfast because if i take it before breakfast,i will vomit out everything. So,my initiative is i consume it 2 hours after my dinner. Then that's okay. However,i want to ask for a change of pills in my nxt appointment which is on 18 Feb 2019 (Monday). Taking zincofer makes me feel headache and don't feel good.
Baca lagiavoid taking ur iron pills with calcium or any caffeine drinks like tea and coffee.and take with vitamin c or juices.and have a 2-4hours gap before breakfast and milk or taking calcium supplements.take it on the same time of the day.eat more iron rich food like green veg and organ dalaman haiwan.if ur hb is still low,ur dr might ask u take 2 iron pills. 1 morning 1 before bed. hope this helps.
Baca lagi1) double check on the way you consume your vitamins - take iron tablets with empty stomach and have your breakfast 2 hours later. and gap 4 hours b4 taking milk. 2) do eat alot of iron booster food - Spinach, liver, ... 3) avoid caffein n bicarbonate beverages
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Ambil iberet.kandungan ironnya 500mg berbanding vitamin yg lain suma 100mg.boleh makan bila2 samada sebelum atau selepas makan.kdg2 ada yg mual bila makan iberet,so sy ambil waktu mlm.ble tido tak rasa sgt mualnya.
sy pun hb low.. dua minggu lepas 8.6 ja pastu sy makan maltofer 1 hari 2 biji. makan jambu batu, air jambu batu, air kurma . naik 9.1. skrg tgh usaha lagi sebab da nak dekat due huhu :)
Maltofer sedap..hahaha
sy pn mkin low dari 12 lbh ke 10 lbh, tukar iberet beli kt farmsi terus hb naik 12 ke ats
try iberet folic 500. google klu nk thu lebih lanjut.
Try consume pati delima brand fars. Maybe it can help you
Makan iberet wak, sesuai utk anemia
mommy ZNMH