Sakit Meroyan/mental condition after childbirth

Is there any of you get 'sakit meroyan' during confinement? in other word means a mental condition after childbirth, or postpartum depression. Well i dont actually believe at it before but when you actually did, the world doenst seem bright as before. You will be suprised about how easy you can be emotional even its such a small things. 1) i stressed a lot 2) i dont know how to hold my baby and breast feed him until i ended up feeding him with formula. 3) My whole body bloated and swollen until people cant even recognise me. i feel ashamed and ugly and fat. 4) Doesnt get full support from husband. 5) I WISH I HAD A GOOD MOTHER IN LAW WHO KNOWS HOW TO HANDLE A BABY WITHOUT GIVING HIM A WATER AFTER FEW HOURS OF SEEING THE WORLD. DOESNT IT SOUND RIDICULOUS TO YOU GUYS? yes she actually did.

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saya tak sampai tahap meroyan lah . tapi memang kalau tak pandai kawal emosi and tak gain knowledge before bersalin akan mendorong kita ke arah meroyan . emosi ibu start akan terganggu bila tak de ilmu macam mana nak handle anak , rasa tak tahu apa apa and tak de siapa guide even mak sendiri pun . mak kita bukan macam orang tua zaman dulu , kadang dorang pun tak tahu cara berpantang yang betul . so my nasihat to mother to be , belajar pasal pantang , pasal baby , baca sebanyak yang boleh . dalam pantang nanti kita akan start sedih bila tak pandai susu kan anak , anak lapar lepas tu mula anak kena kuning then emosi ibu pun start berkecamuk bila rasa tak tahu apa apa , useless mother tak mampu nak make sure anak sihat . belajar 1. perihal pantang 2. cara bedung 3. cara sendawa 4. cara susu , lekapan yng betul 5. macam macam lagi lah

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you are not crazy to feel all these way. and you have to be strong for the sake of your child. i too went through the same thing as you, had major insecurity with alot pimples on my face and all my in laws do is always asking why my face is like this and that. but after awhile i learnt how to takecare of myself. and my baby didnt latch properly too so i had to use formula to keep him full, but doesnt mean you dont breast feed you are not a good mom. formula or breastfeed, you are a superwoman. you gave birth to your beautiful child and you are not alone. if you feel like you need to talk to anyone just let it out. we are here not to judge you but to give support. things will get better soon dear

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i didn't get postpartum depression tho, i do get stressed alot, my breastfeeding journey wasnt pleasant (inward nipple, baby kept chewing until bleeding, i gave up after 2months, give formula since). my whole body gotten swollen too, i hardly wear my shirt on the 1st 2 weeks, coz my nipple hurts when grazed on fabric. i looked ugly and terrible, and im still struggling with my weight now. i give NOBODY any chance to get 'smart' about my baby, especially when it comes to feeding, no water, no bubur, not unless doctor's approval or when comes appropriate age. don't give up and nvr give in, for your baby.. she is yours, she comes from you. you knows best. nvr doubt yourself.

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Alhamdulillah kita xpenah kena. tapi hampir2 nak kena sbb stress sorang2 pasal semua benda..nak jaga anak lagi, buat keje umah lg semua..tapi kita sempat sedarkan diri kita supaya fikir positif jngn biarkan perasaan negatif tu kuasai diri kita..semua ni hanya pinjaman.usaha je sehabis baik...slalu berdoa n berserah pada allah semoga dipermudahkan urusan kita. husband start nak cari gaduh ngan kita ke apa..sentiasa jadi air tuk dia..jngn sama2 jd api..inya allah😁..hah! kemain 😂

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ingat kenangan manis awak....cara yang terbaik....pandang muka baby....dapat released your strees.....berdoa adalah yang terbaik...

Stay Strong Mummy. im proud that you are opposing your MIL feeding the baby. Keep Going. You are a great mother.

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