any thoughts?

Hi semua. I'm new. I'm 24. Have missed my period for 21 days. Did some pregnancy test tapi negative (actually got 2 lines but the other one blurry- according to the test guide it should be negative). But I did do check-up with doc, and he said that it's still tiny but it's there (since baru 4weeks so it's hard to see on the ultrasound) so he say that I'm pregnant. However, I still don't think that I'm pregnant (feel mcm tidak yakin) cause I don't have this pregnancy symptoms. I'm so confused, I don't know what to believe. Do I need help or something? Any thoughts? Thank you ?❤️

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tak semua org ade tanda2 mengandung dn symptoms seperti alahan. sy preggy ank pertama pn tkde apa2 symptoms n alahan. sy pn tk percaya sy rase mcm biase je tkde rase kelainan pn. sy missed period 2 bulan bru prgi klinik n scan dh ad degup jntung baby.

5y ago

insyaallah ade rezeki tu sis. sy pn tk berani nk pegi klinik. sbb dh tau period mmg tk teratur. tp mencuba nasib sje. dlm hati tk berharap sgt tkut kecewa. hehe.