First Hearbeat Scan

Salam everyone. Im currently at my 7th week of 1st pregnancy. Did an ultrasound but yet to see the heartbeat. Mind to share when did your babies showed the heartbeat?

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6 weeks... take care & rest well mummy

5y ago

Wowww that's early. Take care too

6w through transvaginal scan

9 week baru nampak jantung

Mine also at 7 weeks 😊

13th week.. First scan..

5y ago

Byk faktor.. Sepatutnya awal lg kot tp tu lah.. Byk faktor.. Hahahaha.. 13th week tu dh nampak degupan jantung dia.. Alhamdulillah..

mine 12weeks

Mine was on 8th week.

Mine was on 10weeks.

Mine was at 8th week

Mine 10 weeks Alhamdulillah

5y ago

I should wait then