Any SAHM encounter cases whereby because you are staying at home others expected you to help them to run errands or look after their kids?

Hey mummy, learn to use the power behind the word "no". If people ask you for things beyond your capacity, it's totally okay to say no - stay-at-home mums are just as busy as working mums, just that they are busy in different ways!
not a SAHM but on ML. everyone in the house expects me to do everything for them, even my husband.🤬 me being defiant, just dont care and dont help unless im free 🥴
If this happened to you, you should say you cannot. People assume that SAHMs have lots of free time, but they have no idea about just how much works a SAHM does!
Aw that sucks, mummy. Like Nalika said, be open about not being able to handle everything. there's no shame in saying no
Nope. It’s not easy to look after babies. And you are responsible for the baby when u r looking after him.
You have to learn to say no. You have your own workload, stress as well. Explain this to them
Nope. My hubby will help me answer 🤣🤣🤣 dont make urself boh eng and 吃力不讨好.
Say no. Draw the limits urself.