Sometimes, I feel that I'm not good enough as a stay-at-home mom. There are times that make me think that I should get back to work. There are other times wherein I feel that I should be SAHM so I wouldn't miss out milestones of my kid. What do you do when you are at this kind of crossroad? Are you more inclined to being SAHM or a working mom?

Hi mommy Ivy! I know how you feel 'cause I've been there. I was so torn between working and being an sahm but when I sit down and think what's best to do, I still end up choosing to be there for my kids 24/7-7days a week. Sure, i make mistakes and feel like i'm failing as a mother at times but mistakes are inevitable whatever it is that you do. What's important is your children sees you striving each day to be a better mum for them. They'll appreciate you working hard to earn for them, true, but they will appreciate it more if you invest your time in nurturing them hands on instead. I was doing office work before and I regret it. I should've looked for an online work earlier like what I am doing right now. I regret those long hours at the office that I could've spent playing with my then 2yrs old daughter. I feel so negligent whenever I remember the days that I let myself work overtime at the office leaving my daughter to someone else's care :(
Read moreI can relate to this mommy! I also share those sentiments, I have been a SAHM for 10months and everytime that my LO needs something that I can't provide or if I feel that I am not taking good care of him, I just want to go and find a job again but on the other hand I also wanted to be present in all his milestones since they will only be kids for quite some time. I guess we just need to think positive that we are doing a great job, afterall, HE chose us to be the mother of these precious kids. Enjoy every second of it. Welcome to motherhood!
Read moreI actually feel you mommy. I am also a first time mom and decided to quit my job to focus on taking care of my son. I am now a full time exclusively breastfeeding and cloth diapering momma for 15 months. Yes, there are a lot of times that i want to go back to the corporate world but whenever I look at my son and imagine leaving him for even half a day breaks my heart. I would not trade it for the world. One hug and smile from my son makes everything just worth it.
Read moreI've been a SAHM for nearly 2 years & recently just return back to workforce after my baby has settled well in childcare . Well sometimes I do feel lost & felt like giving up especially tough period ( for e.g baby unwell ) but I always look at the bright side of life , tried every way to satisfy baby's needs & wants . It's totally normal to have such feeling . No matter SAHM / FTWM , we are Mothers & will strive to provide THE BEST for our baby
Read moreLeaving my job was the best thing ever.i get to tend to my child fully. Even as im a sahm frankly i dont even have time to really take care of lo. Aside from caring for him the house still needs to be tended too.needless to say if i had choosen to stay in my job. Ill have less time or barely any time and energy left.
Read moreMummy, im not a sahm but i wish i could be so i get to be with my child 24/7. time spend with our child is irreplaceable. i feel bad working n leaving her in ifc. luckily, she seems happy in ifc cos she always smile at her teachers. still if i have the choice, i think sahm mums are Great!!!
All stay home moms are heros. Dont doubt yourself. We all try our best to the best of our capabilities for the kids and our family. It may not seem enough but im sure its the best we could give. Infact more then what we could even give.
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