Craving for instant noodles during pregnancy
is it okay to eat maggie most of the time during pregnancy?? i just cant help it im craving asam laksa maggie for almost every week! it somehow will affect the baby's development so worried...

its not a healthy choice to eat maggie. yes it can affect the baby. i myself am guilty of eating maggie and maggie asam is the best especially if the soup is like sikit2(not the point😅.salivating already) do limit it to once a week. try controlling urself by eating something else. like a banana or oats and kurma or badams..(things i try to grab instead of the maggie packet). as i mention, maggie is not healthy and it contains msg(ajinamoto) which can harm the baby. and as i google it can lead to low birth weight as well as brain damage.
Baca lagiI've read from article in the bump once that sometimes our cravings for certain food cames from the need of the taste for our pallet. For instance, u may crave for Maggi asam laksa because u want the spicy and sour taste. Try to look for healthier substitute for these flavours. Maybe get a real asam laksa freshly made. If the craving still persist, ensure to cut the seasoning packet to half to reduce the MSG intake.
Baca lagihuurrmm sy pn same craving maggie.. tp cara selamat die.. rebus mee die separuh masak dlu.. then buang air rebusan 2 n bru masak mcm biase.. sebb mee maggie ade lilin digunakan utk dgn cara mcm nie kite xde la direct makn lilin 2.. hehehe good luck!!!
i have the same pblm here but because it is not so good for our health, i only cook half packet of noodle & use very little seasoning. very bland but for me a bit is just enough to get rid of the craving.later after that, try eating fruits, nut & seed to ease your craving. drink plenty of water as well.
Baca lagiMakan maggie berpada2. Sebulan sekali or 9 bulan 2 kali tok buat ngidam. Masak pakai rencah separuh je better tumis dlu and letak telur for nutrien. Maggie rendam dgn air panas kejap tos and masuk dlm kuah maggie tu.
You can but try not to eat too much of it as it’s high in sodium (which leads to high blood pressure and possibly preeclampsia). And it doesn’t actually have any nutrients for you or the baby.
Please2 kawal nafsu tu ya, sayang kat baby dalam perut. Mesti nak dia berkembang dgn sihat kan? Nak makan tu boleh, tapi kerap tu jangan la, makan sekadar nak hilangkan craving je :)
sy ada baca kat fb.rata2 yang komen ckp klu makan maggie nanti efek ank kena kuning yg samalah dgn sy-sy nk mkn meggie pon xleh nk tahan.bedal jgak la 2mggu sekali
Erk..of course tak elok time tau la bila ngandung ni..alahai..maggi jugak yg di siap craving sameyang 😅
Haha Sama la. Sbelom msok 7 Bulan . Mkn puas2 megi . Dh lbih 7 bulan jd boring plk mkn megi .😂
Mommy of 1 fun loving son