8 Replies

Firstly, try to figure out why does he turn aggressive. What makes him angry? Some kids tend to have such behaviour and reason can be that he is hyper-active and he has too much energy that after a point of time he gets bored and gets aggressive because of this boredom. I suggest, you enrol him in a play school or some extra-curricular classes so that he has something new to get engaged into. He will have other kids around and slowly and steadily under the guidance of the teachers in the play school, he will learn how to behave with other kids. It will take some time but he would be fine. Brief the teachers in the play school about how he turns aggressive so that they can particularly address this issue. And if you still don't see a change then you can see a child psychologist. They interact with many cases like such and they know how to deal with a kid. It must be a normal issue which can be sorted with little counselling, so do not worry and don't lose your peace of mind. https://www.empoweringparents.com/article/hitting-biting-and-kicking-how-to-stop-aggressive-behavior-in-young-children/ https://www.loveandlogic.com/articles-advice/helping-aggressive-toddlers-and-preschoolers-started-before-its-too-late

Just read this post & realised that this is what I went through few years back till now. My boy was too aggressive, clumsy & rebellious. As I'm a single mother of 2, I have to juggle between work & kids. I can't handle him most of the time, so do the teachers at the childcare centre. I did Google for information about active kids & my boy behaviour matched to almost all symptoms on ADHD. Shallow my pride, got a referral to KKH. Hard to accept it but still he's my boy. Lucky that I've brought him earlier. It might be too late if check up to be done after 7years old. He's still on medication & so far after all the reviews at KKH, he's managable & get along with his sister & peers. Only thing is that as a mother, of course, it affected me so much but my kids are my responsibilities. Just don't bother about what people might say as they are not the one who feeds you & your family.

To add on, is there any playgroup near your place that you can bring him to? This could increase his chances of interacting with children of different ages. Bringing him to the playground may also increase his exposure to playing around other children. If you are worried that he will become aggressive, stay close to him and watch his interactions. If he appeared to be agitated, bring him aside to let him cool down first. These may help he acquire the proper social interaction skills. Children need to learn, so do be patient and give him some time. Also, give yourself a break and don't be too critical on yourself. Share your worries with your partner and loved ones and see if they have the same observations. Take care!!

I have taken him to indoor and outdoor playareas but mostly he tends to just slap or push other kids just like that. I mean even while passing by even if that child has not seen him. Sometimes kids retaliate and my son takes the challenge instead of turni

When you say aggressive, to what extent? Has he actually hurt another child? I would recommend signing him up for a sports activity where he can play rough but with control and rules. Sports can instill control and discipline, give him a space to unleash his energy but with boundaries. Perhaps rugby or a form of martial arts? I've heard so many stories of "aggressive" kids doing well in sports and learning to control their energies. As for the other parents, they are just being protective, albeit a bit too much, so just ignore them and focus on your son. Good luck!

Does he have any playmate or does he get the chance to interact with kids of his age most of the time? You may try exposing him to kids of his age so he can observe how they behave. You can show him examples of kids who are obedient to their parents and ask him about his thoughts on what he sees with other kids. Maybe you can gauge from there why he is acting extra 'aggressive' as you've mentioned. You may also check what kind of environment does he normally see and what kind of people surround him.

Did you realized if your child is different with his peers? Is he able to explain why he slapped or hit other kids in public? I am afraid he might have something that needs to be addressed and probably speaking to the developmental doctor can help? My boy is 7 yrs old if you dont mind, can let our boys play together.

There is an underlying reason why kids hit out. It's not because they are naughty. Does he have a routine, anyone close to him acts that way? If you feel it's because he Seldom has kids around. Then it would be good to bring him to indoor playground and let him have more interaction.

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