Finger vs Pacifier
Hi all mummies, What are your take regards giving pacifier or just let the baby suck their fingers?

I just let my baby suck her fingers, feels like it’s what every kid does! Plus I don’t like to have “external” things like pacifier which i May forget to bring out/drop on the floor! Her fingers follow my Daughter everywhere! But must keep cleaning her hands la :)
It's normal for babies to eat their fingers. They are learning to self soothe.. It means the baby comforts himself instead of depending on his caregiver to comfort him. I am fine with pacifiers too.. Just don't give them too early if you are breastfeeding.
i gave pacifer when she was about 2/3weeks old but only awhile. now she is 3mths, tends to suck finger I'm OK with it just a lot of saliva everywhere quite messy hahaa. pacifer is good now when there's a pacifier in her mouth she falls asleep real quick
Sucking finger is a normal developmental milestone (you should be more worried if they don't suck their finger) so I'd say let them be. The pacifier's purpose is to soothe baby, help them sleep etc, not to replace the finger.
Don’t allow sucking fingers coz, it may addict even get bigger n difficult stop if, so better to give pacifier .. but my boy never suck pacifier or finger now he is 3+ .. he is completely normal without sucking those
Finger sucking is normal but i wouldnt allow it as much as it may become a hard habit to break. Definite no no to pacifiers due to the same reason as well.
None.. but sometimes can't avoid if baby sucking his thumb... Pacifier is not necessary to me.. my two boys didn't had pacifier before..
U can throw away the pacifier but nt the fingers.. So i think sucking on finger is harder to quit
Try giving pacifier. But if the baby prefers to suck her fingers then make sure they are clean(:
My LO takes more finger than pacifier. Pacifier given during bad cry or during bedtimes.