Hi mummies, is it safe to eat mala xiang guo during pregnancy?
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I'm having this insatiable craving for mala now omg. I had it on Saturday, and yesterday Tuesday, and now I can't eat anything but this 🙄
Hi I read that TCM advised against too much gingery food and mala xiang guo can have too much of that.. Will it be safe for the pregnancy?
VIP Member
Yes but I always opt for less salt less oily and not that spicy
Not so much. Else baby skin not nice
Super Mum
Shld be fine. But eat in moderation
Hi, Best to have it in moderation
Yes! Omg i ate quite alot of it
Safe to eat.. but not too spicy
Yes I just took twice last week
VIP Member
It's oily so eat in moderation
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